The total number of wounded from both sides in the Vietnam War was 2,096,037. This includes US, ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam), South Korea, Australia, Thailand, New Zealand, and NVA/VC (North Vietnamese Army/Viet Cong).
In addition to the 58,220 US soldiers killed, the total number of US wounded was 303,604, with 153,303 of those wounded to the extent that they required a hospital stay.
58,000 thousand served the war to honor their country. That is something we all should be proud off honoring our country!!! Many of them took there lifes. so lets take a moment of slilence to reconize all veterans. Although the above answer is partially true, we lost nearly 60,000 troops in Vietnam. 3.2 million served in theater from 1962 thru 1973. We did have advisory personnel from 1959 on. Over 300,000 were wounded during the time periods listed above.
Vietnam War (1964-1975)
Total Servicemembers (Worldwide) (note 6)....8,744,000
Deployed to Southeast Asia (note 7) .............3,403,000
Battle Deaths (note 8).......................................47,424
Other Deaths (In Theater) (note 8) .....................10,785
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater) (note 8) ...32,000
Non-mortal Woundings (note 9)........................153,303
Living Veterans (note 5, 10)............................7,203,600
from VA fact sheet
how many wwii u.s. veterans are still alive
AnswerAccording to the US Census Bureau, of the 2.8 million Vietnam veterans who served in country Vietnam, there are 1,027,000 alive as of the 2000 census. It is interesting to note that another 15 million claim to be Vietnam veterans.
More than likely, many veterans are in wheelchairs, confirm with their website: Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.
After; many Vietnam vets were also WWII veterans.
Of the 2.7 Million of Americans who served in Vietnam approximately 57,000 were killed. It is estimated that out of those survivors less than 900,000 are alive today. This is stark contrast to the US census figures and VFW magazine polls showing that 13,853,027 Americans claim to be Vietnam Veterans. Four out of Five of those who claim to be Vietnam Veterans are not.
how many vietnam veterans in nc
how many wwii u.s. veterans are still alive
AnswerAccording to the US Census Bureau, of the 2.8 million Vietnam veterans who served in country Vietnam, there are 1,027,000 alive as of the 2000 census. It is interesting to note that another 15 million claim to be Vietnam veterans.
More than likely, many veterans are in wheelchairs, confirm with their website: Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.
See: Vietnam Veterans Memorials
After; many Vietnam vets were also WWII veterans.
there are 3 still living. two Englishmen and one American
Eight Vietnam Veterans Die every day. Vietnam Veterans are dieing faster than World War Two veterans do to Agent Orange contamination .
An estimate of the total suicide deaths of veterans of the Vietnam War is about 9,000. Studies show that in the first five years after returning from the war, veterans were 1.7 times more likely to commit suicide than non-Vietnam veterans.
Servicemen returning home from Vietnam were often given a "dirty look" of disguist, or had a "smart remark" made to them. Many returning veterans would NOT tell people that they were veterans of the Vietnam War.
Yes ... they are called "Veterans". Many survived from the various wars and are still living today.
1 dies every second believe it or not