Hawaii is the name of our 50th state. It is also the name of the largest of the Hawaiian islands and the name of the county on that island.
Actually, the state of Hawaii is a chain of islands, also known as an archipelago.
The area of Hawaii is 28,311 km2 while the area of Texas is 696,241 km2. Compared to one of the larger states, it is relatively small.
Hawaii was the 50th and final state added to the United States.
Hawaii is the newest state in the United StatesThat would be Hawaii, added in 1959.
The last state to enter the Union was Hawaii in 1959.
Hawaii is the 50th state and was added on August 21, 1959.
Hawiai isn't a state but Hawaii became a state in 1952
Hawaii does not have an official state fruit.
Hawaii IS the state of Hawaii!
Hawaii is an island and a state. It is not a peninsula.
Hawaii is an island and a state. It is not a peninsula.
Hawaii is a state not a capital so think....how could Hawaii be a capital if its already a state?
The state in the U.S. that is made up of islands is the state of Hawaii.
The last state made a state in the US was Hawaii
Hawaii was the 50th and final state added to the United States.
Hawaii state park is a state park you dumbo!
All of Hawaii is a state.
Hawaii does not have an Official State Vegetable.
No State shares a border with Hawaii.