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All speech is protected under the First Amendment. However racial segregation or profiling is banned by the constitution.

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Q: Is hate speech protected under the First Amendment?
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What type of speech is protected under the first amendment?

The first amendment prohibits congress from passing a law regulating speech. The prohibition is on congress, not on anyone else. Thus, your speech is not protected. If you use your speech to incite a riot, to lead a rebellion, or to slander someone, you can suffer the consequences. Still, your act must be illegal. Your slander must be a lie. You do not commit slander if what you say is true. If you yell fire and the building is not burning and you cause a stampede, you have committed a crime. If the building is burning, you have not committed a crime. Untruthful speech is not protected.

This is considered commercial speech and is given less protection under the First Amendment?


When police tell you to shut up what happened to freedom of speech?

I assume that the "freedom of speech" referred to in the question relates to freedom of speech in the United States of America. The free speech provisions of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees only that citizens cannot be punished by their government for uttering protected speech. The aim of that Amendment is to guarantee that people are free to criticize their government without fear of punishment by that government, and it is one of our most precious liberties. A policeman merely telling you to "shut up" does not rise to the level of government punishment that would raise a First Amendment issue without more. If you were protesting something (say, a government action or policy), the police could say "shut up" all they wanted, but you would have to be arrested (deprived of liberty) for a Constitutional issue to arise. Not all speech is protected under the First Amendment. And not all reactions to even protected speech raise Constitutional issues.

What rights are guaranteed to citizens under the first amendment to the constitution?

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees people freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble peacefully, and the right to petition the government.

Which of these is one of the civil rights granted under the First Amendment?

The 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution grants important civil rights. These are the civil rights to religion, speech, petition, assembly and press.

Related questions

What amendment allows the burning of the US flag?

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the act of burning the US flag as a form of free speech. In 1989, the Supreme Court ruled in Texas v. Johnson that burning the US flag is a symbolic expression protected under the First Amendment.

What amendments protect freedom of speech press religion and assembly?

These rights are protected under the First Amendment.

Freedom of religion is protected under which amendment?

They are separate amendments. Freedom of speech and press is the 1st amendment. The second amendment is the Freedom of religion.

Which act is protected under the first amendment?

The 1st amendment act covers a few different thing. The 1st amendment covers free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of press.

What speech types are not protected under the first amendment?

pretty much just speech that can harm a person's reputation (libel). It has a lot to do with the elastic clause (necessary and proper). Hope this helps!

Lobbying is protected under what amendment?

The First Amendment of the federal constitution and similar protections in state constitutions.

What type of speech is protected under the first amendment?

The first amendment prohibits congress from passing a law regulating speech. The prohibition is on congress, not on anyone else. Thus, your speech is not protected. If you use your speech to incite a riot, to lead a rebellion, or to slander someone, you can suffer the consequences. Still, your act must be illegal. Your slander must be a lie. You do not commit slander if what you say is true. If you yell fire and the building is not burning and you cause a stampede, you have committed a crime. If the building is burning, you have not committed a crime. Untruthful speech is not protected.

Which of these is a type of speech that is unprotected under the First Amendment?


What type of speech is picketing?

Picketing is a form of speech that involves holding signs or banners to express a message, typically in a protest or demonstration. It is a form of symbolic speech that is protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Freedom of speech and the press is protected under the?

The freedom of speech and the press is protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

How is the media protected through the US Constitution?

The Media is protected under the 1st amendment (freedom of speech and press) they have the same rights as people do, they just use it for their job.

What kinds of speech has the Court refused to protect under the First Amendment?

Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of the Press