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The German word "raus" means "(get) out."

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Q: Is there a German word that sounds like rouse?
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What does German word rouse mean?

Rouse is not a German word

What is the German word for yes?

the German word for yes is "ja" the j sounds like an English h so kind of like 'hya'

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How do you pronounce the German word for grandfather?

The word is Grossvater. The R's are rolled or flipped. Other than that, Gross sounds pretty much like the English word spelled the same way. The V of "Vater" sounds like an F. The A sounds like it would in English "Father."

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I have never heard of a blood sausage that sounds like Johnny.... but the German word you're talking about is Blutwurst (blootverst if spelled phonetically for English speakers)

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"Lieb" or "liebe". Sounds like "leeb" or "leebuh". Straight from German.

Is there a city in Puerto Rico called San German?

Yes. San Germán is in the western part of the island near Mayagüez. Remember Spanish pronunciation. It's not St. German as in Germany It's San German as in St. Herman. SAN (sounds like the SAN in the English word Sand) Ger (sounds like the English word Hair) Man (close enough the MAN in English) San her-MAN (the Man has the emphasis in the word.) Keep in mind that the Spanish word for the English word "German" is Alemano. Germany is Alemania.

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