Virginia, where Jamestown is. :)
In the Carolina Colony.
Plymouth colony
In 1607 Jamestown was established in VA. Making VA the first colony. Actually, Jamestown was NOT the first colony. Roanoake was the first colony, and it is located off the coast of North Carolina.
(In All Technical Terms) Nova Scotia was the 14th Colony...
A Japanese game show
Taiwan was once a colony of Japan, which ruled the island from 1895 to 1945 after winning it from the Qing Dynasty as a result of the First Sino-Japanese War.
The first colony established in America was Virginia.
THe first Quaker colony was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
there first colony they built was Massachusetts bay colony
It was a British Colony.
Jamestown in 1607 is the first permanent colony, but the second colony if you count Roanoke as the first colony.
The colony were Africans among the first colonists was South Carolina.
The colony were Africans among the first colonists was South Carolina.
The surviving colony of Roanoke was not the first colony. The settlement of Jamestown was the first successful European settlement.
the first English colony was Roanoke islandjamestown
Virginia, where Jamestown is. :)