

Best Answer

If you are talking about the US Airforce you will as a minimum need to pass a health physical and take an armed services vocational apptitude battery of tests (ASVAB) covering your scores in four critical areas -- Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Mathematics Knowledge that count towards your Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT) score. The AFQT score determines whether you're qualified to enlist in the U.S. military. Your scores in the other areas of the ASVAB will determine how qualified you are for certain military occupational specialties and Enlistment Bonuses. A high score will improve your chances of getting the specialty/job and signing bonus you want.

Scoring high on the ASVAB will require study and concentration. Don't skimp on preparing for this test. It's your future. Get the most out of it. You will find the answers to your questions and links to study for the tests here:

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Q: Need the best answer for the basic requirements to get a job in air force?
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Which country has the greatest Air Force in the world?

The US has the largest, best equipped, and best trained air force.

What are the levels of achievements for the Louisiana LEAP Test?

The LEAP test in Louisiana has four achievement levels: Advanced, Mastery, Basic, and Approaching Basic. These levels measure students' proficiency in the tested subjects, with Advanced representing the highest level of achievement and Approaching Basic indicating a need for improvement. The results help educators and parents understand students' strengths and areas for growth.

Where can you obtain t-shirt with usmc on top and below that in Arabic saying the best fighting force in the world?

They don't make such a thing because the US Army Rangers are the best fighting force in the world. But if you want such a blasphemous thing as a shirt suggesting someone who's NOT the US Army Rangers is the best fighting force in the world, you can probably get to make you one.

What statement best explains the Indian Removal Act?

It was used to force Indians from their homes.

Which is the best the army or the airforce?

This is a personal decision based on what you hope to do and hope to gain from the experience. While the Army can mean you may see more places, the Air Force usually assigns service members to installations for longer durations. This can provide stability if you have a family with you. Many Army MOS's translate very closely to civilian jobs, but most Air Force jobs are directly related to those in the civilian work force. Both will teach you discipline. Both will give you opportunity to learn.

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All services have lowered their entrance requirements since the beginning of deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. At different times there have been different requirements for GED grads. Generally, the services will accept a GED grad for enlistment. There may be additional requirements, or there may be none. The Air Force and Navy have higher enlistment requirements traditionally than the others. Your best option is to contact a recruiter.

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Each country sets its own requirements for enlistment and another set of requirements for commissioning. In the US, you need to be 18 (or 17 with a parental signature) a high school diploma (or equivalent), not be a convicted felon, medically and mentally stable, be able to pass a basic standards test, not have any vulgar tattoos and a few other things, best is to ask a recruiter.

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There are various scholarships and you need to search for it's requirements because each one of the scholarships have different requirements and one of the may suit you.

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well you dont have to but its best to

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For a basic accounting software, you may want to get Quicken. It will give you the features you need but also has basic instructions and easy to access help.

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There are no requirements... you just have to be prepared and have years of experience under your belt. To go professional, well, you need to be the best of the best. Bottom line.

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to confusing i don't knwo check on wikipedia it is the best world wide web encyclopiedia in history!

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