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The concept of "Race" (features of different genetics: see related answer) is an dated concept of superiority of one set of genetic features above another. Race is more a concept of culture(s) rather than anything else. For instance the "White Race" is a concept of western European nations (countries / cultures), where the "Yellow Race" can be said to define those inhabitants of eastern Asia.

The Nazi Party is the most popular modern example of this type of thinking. It was a political party in Germany that based at least part of its political platform on the "Master Race" concept of superiority. Although World War 2 essentially ended the parties existence, it has found a home with other splinter groups such as "the Arian Brotherhood / Nation" the "Klu Klux Klan" and other hate groups. By no means is this an exhaustive list of these groups, nor is it intended to be, it is only to show more modern examples of an age old way of thinking. Also noted is that the "KKK" is older than the Nazi Party, as an example of how old this concept is - as well as its end results.

Reserved here are the examples for those who wish to promote / denounce such thinking:

Arguments opposed to Racism:

Since an argument in favor of "white people doing more for this world" below, I thought I would share one such story of such great and magnificent things that 'they' (as a concept) have done for the world. In 1492 the 'white race' found a 'new world' inhabited by a peaceful society "that could be conquered with a single garrison" of men. They brought with them many new concepts, at least one of which was a "written contract" (also known as a treaty) - and they used such contracts to take ownership of the land from those inhabitants who were already there. One form of contract negotiation was to slaughter every man, woman, and child who lived there; and yet another was to put a gun to their head and say sign this or we will beat another child in the head with a wooden mallet. In all total up to 114 million people were slaughtered by the "Master Race" in order to take land that they did not want to pay for, or share, and such. Those inhabitants also learned hatred, poverty, the concept of money and every other "evil" that they were otherwise innocent from. (all above is documented many times over).

Thankfully these concepts and modes of thinking are being driven out of our society; and or those that promote them.

Arguments in Favor of Racism:

Indeed, white people have done much more in and for this world than any other race, so yes, white people should be considered master race.

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What was hitlers term for master race?

Hitlers term for "master race" All white, Aryan Nation, and also Non-Jewish.

Did Christians fit into the master race?

The 'Master Race' concept was not about religion, but race.

Was the Master Race the Jews or the Nazis?

Hitler and his followers believed that the Germans were the master race.

What was Hitler27s master race?

The Aryan race.

What is the master race with Hitler?

The Aryan race

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What was Hitlers term for the ''master race''?

Hitlers term for "master race" All white, Aryan Nation, and also Non-Jewish.

What was hitlers term for master race?

Hitlers term for "master race" All white, Aryan Nation, and also Non-Jewish.

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The 'Master Race' concept was not about religion, but race.


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Hitler and his followers believed that the Germans were the master race.

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The Aryan race.

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The Aryan race

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The Aryan race.

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The Aryan race