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yes she was married to john rogers who disappeared and then married Benjamin Franklin later on.

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Q: Was Deborah read Franklin married before she married Benjamin Franklin?
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Where can you buy a picture of Benjamin Franklin and Deborah read getting married?

Since this forum is about photography, you must mean "photograph", so I will say you cannot. He married her about 94 years before the first permanent photograph was made. If you mean a painting or similar reproduction, try Google and Ebay.

Who was Benjamin Franklins mother?

Abiah Floger is Benjamin Franklin's dad but before that his dad (Josiah Franklin) got married to Anne Child but died after complication of giving birth.

Who was Benjamins mother?

Abiah Floger is Benjamin Franklin's dad but before that his dad (Josiah Franklin) got married to Anne Child but died after complication of giving birth.

Where did Benjamin Frankling marry Deborah Read?

He did not actually marry her, they had a common law marriage because she married someone before him who had left her once he received her dory

What did Benjamin Franklin do before the Revoltionary War?

he farted

What did Benjamin Franklin do before he was President?

grew apples

Was Benjamin Franklin born before Abraham Lincoln?

Yes, Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 and Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809.

Did Benjamin Franklin discover electricity?

No. Electricity was around long before Ben Franklin -- or humans for that matter.

Did Benjamin Franklin serve as president before or after the civil war?

Benjamin Franklin was never President of the United States. He did however serve as President of Pennsylvania before the civil war (1785-1788).

Did Benjamin Franklin invent the wheel?

No, that happened a long time before him.