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Q: Was it christopher columbuses goal to travel to America?
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What was the goal for the first voyage of Christopher?

The goal for the first voyage of Christopher Columbus was to reach the West Indies.

What was Christopher Columbus life goal?

It was to sail to India but he sailed to America so he called the strangers he saw Indians because he thought he went to India.

What was Christopher Columbus's Goal for his whole life?

He wanted to find China also called "Cathay" they call it that not us.He thought he found his goal and finish it but he did'nt he just found America oh and hope he is'nt

Did christopher Columbus accomplished his goal?

yes, he did

What was the goal of christopher Columbus' exploration?

The goal for the first voyage of Christopher Columbus was to reach the West Indies.

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his goal was to find gold in america

What was christopher columbus' purpose to set sail?

- for spices -to find goal

Who acomplished christopher's goal?

I would give it to Magellan since he did circle the globe.

Did vespuci accomplish Christopher's goal?

No. He was only along the South American coast.

What was Christopher Columbus's goal on the exploration?

he wanted to find a quick route to Asia

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Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca's goal was to explore the Gulf Coast region of North America and increase Spanish influence in the area. He also aimed to find a route to return to Spanish territories after being shipwrecked.

What was Christopher Columbus goal?

To find a quick route to Asia, but he landed in north America instead, but thought it was India. Columbus didn't like the Native Americans that lived on the land, so he took them as slaves, killed them,and sexually assaulted them.