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Their style and cooking.

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Q: What are two examples of French influences in Quebec?
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What is the most common language are spoken in Quebec?

The 2 official languages of Quebec are French and English.84% speak Canadian French as their main language and 15% speak Canadian English as their main language. Most of the French speakers can also speak English, and about half of the English speakers can also speak French.

What are two examples of the influences of heredity on personality?

The two examples of the influence of heredity on personality are intelligence of a child and a child being timid or courageous. This will be determined by the environment that a child is subjected to.

What region is Quebec city in?

Quebec is a province located in Canada, east of Ontario. AND MY HOUSE

What two places in the Americas is french spoken?

Quebec, Ontario, and all the other provinces of Canada, to some degree.

Who was the two sides that were feuding in the Battle if Quebec?

Britain was fighting France. The Battle of Quebec was one of the major battles of the Seven Years' War, also called the French and Indian War.

What is Celine Dion's nationality?

Canadian, she speaks fluent French and has a French accent. __________________________________________________________ She's not Canadian AND French... She is simply Canadian. You can call her French-Canadian, a Quebecer, a Quebecoise or whatever you want that is not a nationality, she is doesn't have two nationalities. She is part of a cultural group called Quebecers, which are the French-speaking majority of Quebec, but the fact that she speaks French doesn't make her less Canadian for that matter. As long as Quebec will remain a Canadian province and that this country will be bilingual, speaking French won't give someone a different nationality. She was born in Repentigny, Quebec and her parents were born in Quebec too. She is Canadian, end of story.

Why are there two official languages in Canada?

French is mostly spoken in Quebec but since Quebec is part of Canada then they recognize it as Canada's second language but Quebec has tried many different ways and wants to be its own country. It speaks two different languages because they were settled by the English and the French.