The Berlin Conference was held in 1884 in Berlin. Fourteen European countries and the United States got together to plan the further exploitation of Africa.
German chancellor Otto von Bismark was the one who called all the major western powers in the Berlin Conference.
Berlin Conference
Believe they were uncivilized and biologically inferior.
It was the Conference of Berlin
Rwanda was awarded to Germany as part of the German possession of Deutsch-Ostafrika in the Berlin Conference. It would be transferred to Belgian control following the Treaty of Versailles.
The Berlin Conference, which took place in 1884 - 1885 is known by a couple of alternate names. One is the Congo Conference, and the other is the Berlin West Africa Conference.
The country was Africa :)
In Berlin
What did the 15 European countries who met at the Berlin Conference in 1884 determine
The Berlin Conference regulated how European colonization and trade could take place in Africa. Known also as the Congo Conference, this conference brought about the brutal power of King Leopold II.
The Berlin Conference was held in 1884 in Berlin. Fourteen European countries and the United States got together to plan the further exploitation of Africa.
African tribes