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Germany invaded Belgium that was neutral

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Q: What did Germany do to cause Great Britain To join WW1?
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What did great Britain join World War 1?

Britain declared war on Germany on August 4, 1914 after Germany invaded Belgium.

How did great Britain and Germany differ in their preferences regarding the role of the US in world war?

Germany wanted to keep the United States out of the war, while Great Britain wanted the United States to join it.

How did Great Britain and Germany differ in their preference regarding the role of the US in World War 1?

Germany wanted to keep the United States out of the war, while Great Britain wanted the United States to join it.

How did Great Britain and Germany try to win American support?

They both started spreading propaganda to get the US to join their team.

Why did Great Britain and France join World War 2?

Britain and France joined the war, becaus Germany invaded Poland. The reason for this is that Britain and France had a pact with Poland, Denmark and Belgium.

How was the United Kingdom's role in the events leading to World War 1 different from that of Germany?

The United Kingdom was a member of the Triple Entente, while Germany was a member of the Triple Alliance.

During the battle of Britain did Germany join the axis powers?


Why UK didn't join the EU with the official name Great Britain?

Great Britain is composed of England, Wales and Scotland. The UK is Britain + Northern Ireland. To join the EU as Great Britain would be to exclude Northern Ireland from the EU.

Who did Britain have a war with in World War 1?

Great Britain fought against Austria-Hungary and Germany. Italy was going to join the Triple Alliance before the war but decided to stay neutral.

Why did Great Britain join the triple entente?

Great Britain had the biggest empire and the Germans were jealous and they wanted some of the land so when Germany were building up their navy Great Britain got worried that they were gonna come and take their land so they joined the triple entente because then he had backup if that did happen.

When did Britain join World War II?

Britain declared war on Germany on 3rd September 1939, two days after Germany invaded Poland.

Why did Great Britain join WWII?

In the 1930's, Britain and France had a defence agreement with Poland. On 1 September 1939 German troops attacked Poland, so on 3 September 1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany.