Stalin wanted the Allies to open a second front which would have relieved the pressure on the Russian Front by causing the Germans to divide their military assets .
they were allies in world war 2
Josef StalinJosef StalinJosef Stalin.
although Stalin had a none aggression pact with Hitler, Hitler attached the Soviet Union causing Stalin to side with the allies...........................
The German Allies surrenedered because they want peace, and then the allies killed them all.
They had very different ideas on how to run countries, as an example of Stalin being a communist and the Allies all being democratic.
He was with The Allies in World War 2.
they were allies in world war 2
If You are referring to the Soviet struggle in World War 2, then the answer is that Stalin did not surrender.The Soviet Union, together with her western allies - won the war.
Josef StalinJosef StalinJosef Stalin.
FDR - Stalin - Churchill .
Josef Stalin
Stalin was dictator in Russia .
although Stalin had a none aggression pact with Hitler, Hitler attached the Soviet Union causing Stalin to side with the allies...........................
Josef Stalin ( NovaNET)
He was the leader of the USSR and helped set the Allies overall strategy
it honors war crimes by the allies, bombing of hamburg, dresden, hiroshima and nagasaki, cowardness of the western allies who relied on russian menpower, led by stalin,, to defeat hitler.