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Q: What did poor children wear in the 1500s?
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clothes hhshshfhshhfds

What did the poor children in the Victorian times wear?

poor children wore simple and rather uncomfortable clothes that would hurt and be really dull!!!

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What clothes did the poor children wear in the Victorian times?

poor children wore simple and rather uncomfortable clothes that would hurt and be really dull!!!

What did poor Victorian children wear when they worked in coal mines?

top and trousers

What clothes did Victorian children wear if they were poor?

dirty clothes that are ripped and torn

What did poor Tudor children wear?

Poor children would usually wear their parents old clothes or any pieces of material they could find. That's why their clothes often looked to big for them!

What did rich people of the 1500s and 1600s wear?


What were the differences between rich and poor in 1500s?

In the 1500s, the rich and the poor were very different from each other. For example, regarding executions, rich peoples' deaths would be performed by beheading (started in 1552). Where as the poor were tortured and hanged. Deaths of the poor were slow, but those of the rich were quick.

What were the customs and beliefs in England during the 1500s?

They always had to wear hats

What did poor children and families wear in 1948?

Whatever they could find for a cheap penny or it was just found.