the rich people were higher up and were well.... richer. they had facilities and food and shelter Rich people often lived longer because at least they had proper food. Poor people were malnutritioned and had crap living quarters. Rich people had good houses to live in and water to wash in.
they wear suits and girl wear fancy dresses.
the same as Ireland people wear.
People would be forced to wear bells in medieval times because they committed a crime, such as rape. They forced the rapist to wear the bell to warn others when they were in close proximity.
they wore blue,red,and green dress's for the women and jeans and a nice top for the men
well poor people wear shabby torn cloths that never get washed. rich people wear suits,dresses,nice shoes,and many other things that are nice and can cost alot of money.
It will depends what they want to wear.
They wore clothes!
bra and thongs
they wear rich robes and sacks. sometimes they wear nothing
lovley long velvet dresses and a nice gentelmens suit
They wore clothes!
Rich people in the 1960s would wear very elaborate and expensive clothing. This clothing would have fur and occasionally high-quality silks.
People have always made differences about what poor and rich wore but if poor people ere equal to rich then both wear the same things.