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They had a bar of soap and water to wash themselves with. also they had trainers that tried to keep them as fit as possible, also, the cape would keep them a little more dry so there feet wouldnt get to wet and therefore stopping trench foot.

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11y ago
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15y ago

They washed themselves in their helmets. It not only was a protection for the head, it was a good sized wash basin. They could wash their clothes in it in a pinch, and keep themselves clean with very little water. They also washed themselves in shell holes. It was a very convenient place for bathing, for many reasons. For one, it was near the front. Secondly, it wasalready filled with water in many cases.

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15y ago

During world war one there was deffenitally a lack of hygiene in the trenches. soldiers had two change their socks twice a day due to trench foot but they didnt was much and when they did it was in cold water. for more information on life in the trenches during world war two look on i hope it has helped!!!!!

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13y ago

They washed themselves with water and soap. When they had lice they were taken to big vats of steamy water while their clothes were put through delousing machines but this didn't work very effectively.

The ones in the active fighting did not worry about cleaning - a lot of the time they were up to their waists in muddy, bloody water. Just getting food to eat once a day was often a problem for the fighting soldiers.

The soldiers far behind the fighting had portable showers.

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14y ago

they didnt simple as.

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Q: What did soldiers in the trenches do to keep clean?
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They didn't for the most part. soldiers in trenches especially. It was more important to save yourself than to stay clean.

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the typical day for the soldiers was when they had to stay in their trenches because it was snowing and it was freezing outside

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Because the deep trenches protected them from bullets and shell fragments that were fired at the soldiers and so that the soldiers could be be seen (as targets).

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Because In WW1 soldiers were running across trenches and getting constantly getting killed in mass numbers by Machine guns so engineers devices a way to keep soldiers alive, and stop the enemy and destroy their trenches.

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