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It attacked Poland from the east as part of the nazi-soviet pact.

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Gillian Rutherford

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It attacked Poland from the east as part of the nazi-soviet pact.

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Q: What did the Soviet Union do during Germanys invasion of Poland in 1939?
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What did the Soviet Union do during Germany's invasion of Poland 1939?

It attacked Poland from the east as part of the nazi-soviet pact.

What led France and Britain to declare war against Germany to begin World War 2?

During the 1930's, Britain and France had a defence agreement with Poland. On 1 September 1939, German troops invaded Poland, so on 3 September 1939, in response to that invasion, Britain and France declared war on Germany.

What country went into World War 2 after Poland?

After Hitler's invasion of Poland, the allies that went to war were Poland, the UK, Austrailia, New Zealand, France, South Africa, and Canada. The Soviet Union cooperated with the Axis(Germany, Italy, and Japan) during the invasion, and didn't go to war until the invasion of USSR

What countries did Stalin attacked?

In 1937 he attacked Finland, and then in 1939 he assisted Nazi Germany in the invasion of Poland. During the war her took most of eastern europe, and eventually Germany. then, the Soviet Invasion of Japan happened, adding Another Country to the list.

What two countries invaded Poland in 1939 and what event did it signal the start of?

Poland was invaded by Germany in 1939. This invasion was also known as the September Campaign and signaled the start of the war in Europe, World War 2. Slovakia also invaded Poland in 1939 during the invasion by German troops. The Soviet Union also invaded Poland on September 17th 1939.

Who was the leader of Germany during its invasion of Poland in 1939?

Adolf Hitler

What were some jobs that were during the invasion of Poland?

rifleman, radioman, military police.

Was Poland neutral during the cold war?

No, Poland was a communist country in Eastern Bloc, a Soviet satellite state.

How did France respond to the invasion of Poland in 1939?

about your question "how did countries respond to the invasion of Poland is: GB and France declared war to Germany but there were no military actions on their part in the meantime, apart of some "skirmishes" on the North Sea and the Atlantic (navy actions of GB and Germany and the German invasion in Norway in April 1940). This declaration of war was called "phony war" until German's invasion of France in May 1940. Answer to the first part of the question "during 1939 what happened to Poland as a result of the invasion". In compliance with the Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement, Poland was divided into to parts between Germany and Soviet Union. The territory occupied by the Soviets have never been recovered by Poland, who after the war received as compensation German territories westward. It's worth to point out that during the last days of fighting, Poland has been also invaded by Soviet Army which hit the Polish Army from behind.

Why did the US support the mujahedeen in Afghanistan during the 1980s?

To help them defeat a Soviet invasion

Why did the US support the mujahedeen in Afghanistan during the 1980s?

To help them defeat a Soviet invasion

Which country was divided by the soviet union and Germany during World War 2?

Poland .