It is a German expression meaning "thunder weather!" The correct spelling would be Donner Wetter. One would use it if he were astounded at something.
There was a girl named Mary Donner in the Donner Party, and a woman named Margaret Reed.
George Donner was the leader
No. The Donner Party were not Mormon pioneers.
The Donner Party - film - was created in 2009.
What is the average bone maro that a bone maro donner donates?
H. A. Vetter has written: 'English history at a glance'
juste vous donner les articles: just give you the articles / items
Thank you for the coffee.
Donner ("to give" in English) is pronounced "duh-nay" in French.
"To give" is a literal English equivalent of the French word donner. The pronunciation of the present infinitive will be "duh-ney" in French.
Arlan Jay Vetter goes by Jay Vetter.
Edgar Vetter's birth name is Edgar Alfred James Vetter.
These words are German and Dutch, which I think you must already know, and they have only a colloquial meaning in English in reference to a pair of Santa Clause's reindeer that go by those names. The meanings in German and Dutch as far as I understand are: Donner (Also "Donder" or "Dunder") = Thunder and Blitzen Also "Blixem" and "Bliksem") = Lightning So it pretty much just means: Donner and Blitzen. yeah.
"Donner des nouvelles à un ami" means "to give news (of oneself) to a friend" in English.
to give
Max Vetter was born in 1892.
Michael Vetter was born in 1943.