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the election of Hitler.

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Q: What events led to the beginning of the Holocaust in 1933?
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Who is the commander of the Holocaust?

the Holocaust is a concept created after the events, as such it has no leader. The Holocaust was a set of actions perpetrated under the Nazi government which was led by Hitler. The Holocaust was orchestrated by Himmler and planned by Heydrich and actualised by the adminstration of Eichmann. However the order for it was signed by Goering. Pick which ever of those names you care to and there is an argument for any of them to be the 'commander of the Holocaust'.

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Black Tuesday was the beginning of a chair of events that led to the Great Depression

Which series of events led to the liberation of victims of the Holocaust?

Answer this question… Allied forces encountered concentration and death camps as they took control of Europe after defeating Germany.

What economic aspects led up to the Holocaust?

The motivation for the holocaust was ideological, not economic.

What is a statement with the word anti-semitism that has to do with the holocaust?

Antisemitism was one of the factors which led to the Holocaust.

Who led the Nazis during the Holocaust?


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She led the holocaust

What belief led to the holocaust?

Hating jews.

Who led the Major Leagues in home runs in 1933?

Jimmie Foxx led the Major Leagues in 1933 with 48 home runs for Philadelphia.

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5 events that led to the statehood of colorado

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t events led to the imprisonment of alfred stevens

Did the world war 2 start because of the holocaust?

No. WWII startedbecause of the events at the end of WWI. When the treaty of Versailles was signed at the end of WWI, it was supposed to ensure peace. Germany however, was not invited because they were the ones who started the war. So, Germany got mad and that led to the holocaust and then WWII.