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It is important to note that the distinction between Shi'a Islam, Sunni Islam, and Ibadi Islam (and between the internal schools of each) happened relatively early on, so to say that that Islam is one religious group is like saying Christianity is one religious group when there are vast differences between Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Christians, and Mormons.

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The Arab Empires in the Middle East succumbed to Turkic invasions or insurrections by around 900-1000 C.E.

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Q: What group took control of the middle east from the Arab conquerors who began their rule in the mid-600s?
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Which group took control in the middle east from the Arab conquerors who began their rule in the mid-600s?


Which group took control of the middle east from the Arab conquerors who began their rule in the mid S's?

The Persians took control of the Middle East in the mid 600s.

Which group took control of the Middle East from the Arab conquerors who began their rule in the mid-600's?


Which group took control of the Middle East from the Arab conquerors who began their rule in the mid 600's?

The Persians took control of the Middle East in the mid 600s.

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