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that's when Martin Luther nailed the guy to the cross on purpose.

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Q: What happened after the Ninety-Five Thesis were nailed to the door of the church?
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What church was the ninety five thesis nailed to?

The Wittenberg Church.

Why is the number 95 associated with martin Luther?

that's the number of thesis's he nailed to the church door

What action did Martin Luther take to present his concerns?

he wrote the 95 thesis and supposedly nailed them to the church door

What was the Catholic church movement on October 30th 1517 called?

On October 31st on the Vigil of All Saints, Martin Luther nailed his "95 Thesis" to the church door at Wittenberg. This is used as a rallying cry for the Protestant Reformation. Some reconstructionist historians doubt that this happened, but that copies of the Thesis were mailed to other theologians.

When did the Catholic church split to practice protestantism?

1517 was when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis to the door of the Wittenberg church, which is seen as the beginning of what is termed Protestantism.h

When did martin Luther nailed his list of reforms to the church door?

Luther posted his "95 thesis on the power and efficacy of indulgences" on the church door in 1517, although there is some doubt as to whether or not the thesis was ever posted on the door.

What city did matan Luther nail his 95 theses to a door?

Martin Luther Supposedly nailed his 95 thesis to the Church door in Wittenberg Germany

What did Martin Luther hammer on the church door to begin the Protestant Reformation?

His 95 thesis (problems with the church). And just so you know, the church door was like a bulletin, so he wasn't being disrespectful when he nailed it to the door.

What were the list of arugents which Luther nailed to the church door in 1517?

the 95 thesis on the power and efficacy of indulgences or Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum as it was also written in latin.

What conflit did Galileo's 96 thesies make on the Church?

You have Martin Luther and Galileo confused. They are two different people. Luther was the one who nailed the 96 thesis to the cathedral door, Not Galileo.

Why were the 95 thesis nailed to the door?

Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517 as a way to protest against the selling of indulgences by the Catholic Church. He wanted to spark a debate about the corrupt practices within the church and call for reform. The act is considered a key event that led to the Protestant Reformation.

What did martin Luther do with his ninety five grievances?

AFter he nailed them to the Catholic church door, the church eventually read them and changed their ways.