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Poland regained its independence in the teaty, and its histoical boundary was shifted resulting in thousands of Geman Citizens being cut of and becoming Polish. Danzig was made a Free City under League of Nations control. It was an unhappy settlement.

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Q: What happened to Poland in the Treaty of Versailles?
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Which country won its independence with the Treaty of Versailles?

Poland won its independence from Germany with the Treaty of Versailles. Czechoslovakia was also recognized as an independent country. The Treaty of Versailles was passed in 1919.

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The Nazis invaded Poland and this was the start of World War 2. Other countries declared war on Germany because of what they did to Poland and because he violated the Treaty of the Versailles.

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Poland and Czechoslovakia revceived the land taken from Germany after the war.

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Why is the Treaty of Versailles called the Treaty of Versailles?

It was drawn up and signed in the Palace of Versailes, France.

What were the results of the Paris Peace Conference and The Treaty of Versailles?

After the Versailles Treaty was signed, it stated that the entire war was the fault of Germany. The treaty had also limited all of Germany's military, as well as creating the country of Poland and giving Alsace-Lorraine (French region) back to France.

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