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That all men are born with rights that cannot be taken away by the government

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Q: What idea is found in the declaration of independence?
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The idea of popular sovereignty can first be found in the?

Declaration of Independence

What is the idea that people have the right to abolish an abusive and unresponsive government?

The right to representative government is the idea behind the notion that people have the right to disband a government that becomes abusive or unresponsive. This is found in the Declaration of Independence.

Which idea in the Declaration of Independence change people's views of slavery?

In the Declaration of Independence, they where fighting for freedom. The idea that all people have a right to life and liberty.

What idea does not appear in the declaration of rights section of the Declaration of Independence?

There are a great number of ideas that are not included in the Declaration of Independence. One idea is human fashion.

What is the main idea of the heading the writing of the declaration of independence?

congress moved quickly to write and adopt the declaration of independence

What was a basic idea by thomas Jefferson in the declaration of independence?

declaring independence idiot

The main idea of the section headed The Effects of the Declaration of Independence is that?

the adoption of the Declaration of Independence sparked bitter disunity among the colonists.

What enlightenment idea is found in the passage from Declaration of Independence?

It is right in the first paragraph that man has the right to change his government when it no longer works for him.

A justification for the American Revolution can be found in which of the following historical documents?

Mayflower CompactFundamental Orders of ConnecticutConstitutionDeclaration of IndependenceYour answer is "D", Declaration of Independence

Which idea is not supported in the Declaration of Independence?

Your mom. yeah do your work

What is the core idea of the Declaration of Independence?

People have unalienable rights

How were the idea of John Locke and Thomas Jefferson similar?

Jefferson used Locke for the Declaration of Independence.