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Frederick Douglass was an active reformer in some of the most important movements of the 19th Century. He was, first and foremost, an abolitionist leader. Later he became active in the women's suffrage movement.

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Frederick Douglass was an African American leader, writer, and statesman. He was most active in the abolitionist movement, and had been a slave himself.

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Q: What impact did Frederick Douglass have on Progressive era reforms?
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Did Frederick Douglass have an impact on your lives?

no he did nothing

How has Frederick Douglass made an impact on others lives?

Frederick Douglass was an antislavery-activist who ate cheese(feta) 143 is what we be texting.143-i L,L L, love you.

S the impact of Frederick Douglass still felt today?

Yes, the impact of Frederick Douglass is still felt today. He was a former slave who proved that African-Americans were equally as intelligent and articulate as white people. His impact on African-American pride is still felt today.

What is 2 sources about slavery?

"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" by Frederick Douglass provides a first-hand account of the harsh realities of slavery in the United States. "Beloved" by Toni Morrison is a novel that explores the lasting impact of slavery on individuals and families.

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Mr. Thomas Auld was the slave master of Frederick Douglass, Mrs. Hicks was his grandmother and Mr. Beal Bondy was his uncle. They were all related to Frederick Douglass and had a significant impact on his life during his time as a slave.

Should Frederick Douglass receive a noble prize?

Frederick Douglass, an abolitionist and civil rights activist, made lasting contributions to the fight against slavery and injustice. Although he is no longer alive to receive a Nobel Prize, his impact and advocacy for equality have been recognized and celebrated globally.

How have Frederick Douglass impact the future of African Americans?

He encouraged others to escape from slavery, and also to stand up for themselves, because if they didn't then no one would stand up for them

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In My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass what impact does learning to read have on Douglass?

he became educated enough to learn how to escape

How does sandy jenkins impact Douglass?

Sandy is a superstitious slave that gives Douglass a 'magical' root that is supposed to protect slaves from being whipped. Douglass does not believe in the power, but carries the root anyway.

What impact did Frederick Douglass have on your society?

he out forward the effort to help us get our rights our equals something that we deserved. and not to be treated unfairly but to be equal because no body is perfect than any body else

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