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President Theodore Roosevelt is often remembered for creating the New Deal. This was a series of domestic programs that provided for the well-being of people after the onset of the Great Depression.

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As president, Theodore Roosevelt is best known for making the construction of the Panama Canal possible, for conserving over 230,000,000 acres of land, and for negotiating a treaty to end the Russo-Japanese War. All together, he is also responsible for instituting the modern presidency and a greater role for the United States abroad.

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Q: What is President Theodore Roosevelt often remembered for?
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It all depends on which Roosevelt. Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, the 26th President, served between 1901-1909 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (often called F.D.R.), the 32nd President, served between 1933-1945

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What Theodore Roosevelt said was not "walk softly but carry a big stick" as is often mis-quoted. He gave his famous quote during a speech in 1903: There is a homely old adage which runs: "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." If the American nation will speak softly, and yet build and keep at a pitch of the highest training a thoroughly efficient navy, the Monroe Doctrine will go far. Source:mediatinker

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The link between a US president and toy bears is the association with Theodore Roosevelt. During Roosevelt's presidency in the early 20th century, he was often referred to as Teddy Roosevelt. The connection with toy bears comes from an incident during a hunting trip where Roosevelt refused to shoot a wounded bear. This event was widely publicized, leading to the creation of the "Teddy bear" in his honor.

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Eleanor Roosevelt's mother's maiden name was Anna Hall, and her father was named Elliot Roosevelt. Eleanor's uncle was Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States of America, and she was married to her 6th cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, at the age of 20. He was 23.

What popular childrens toy is named after Theodore Rosevelt?

US President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt had the "Teddy" bear named after him. The Teddy bear is a popular toy often given as gifts on Christmas and also birthdays to young and old alike.

What were the three types of transportation that Theodore Roosevelt traveled in?

The three types of transportation that Theodore Roosevelt traveled in were horse, train, and ship. He was known for enjoying horseback riding and often used trains for his presidential campaigns and travels within the United States. Additionally, he embarked on a famous expedition aboard a ship called the USS Louisiana to Panama in 1906.

What was Theodore Roosevelt's Religious View?

Theodore Roosevelt was a member of the Dutch Reformed Church, like his Roosevelt ancestors. His mother was a Presbyterian, another Calvinist denomination like the Reformed. His parents often attended Presbyterian churches in New York City and Oyster Bay. His first wife, Alice Lee Roosevelt was a Unitarian. His second wife, Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt was a devout Episcopalian.