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A mischling was a person of mixed Jewish ancestory who lived in Nazi Germany. Under the Nuremberg laws, a Jew was someone who had three or more Jewish grandparents, or who had two Jewish grandparents and either practiced Judaism or was married to a Jew. Mischlings rose to very prominent positions in Nazi Germany, even the Ideal German Campaign's posterchild was a first degree mischling. There were two degrees of being a Mischlinge. A first degree misclinge had two Jewish grandparents. A second degree Mischlinge had only one Jewish granparent. So the least you need to know is that a mischling was one who was open about their Jewish ancestory (1/2 to 1/4), but was not considered a Jew under the Nuremberg laws. The above answer claims that 'Mischlings rose to very prominent positions in Nazi Germany'. In fact, any 'Mischling' [with two Jewish grandparents] who wanted to stay a decent job in Nazi Germany had to apply for 'Aryanization' and in most cases the relevant certificate had to be signed by Hitler in person and such certificates were very hard to get. For those who didn't have these rare certificates, life in the Third Reich was precarious.

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What does Mischling mean in English?

Mischling or mischlinge is a German term that means a person is of mixed heritage. Specifically in the time of the Third Reich, a mischling was a person who had one or two Jewish grandparents even though they themselves did not practice the Jewish religion (or even have Jewish parents). Today, the term mischling is used by Germans to simply mean a person of mixed background, without the negative connotations implied during the Third Reich. It is comparable to the term multiracial in the United States.

Was the main effect of the Nuremberg laws?

They deprived Jews of all civil rights and started the Holocaust.

When was Adolf Hitler born and when was his first act as a dictator?

Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria on April 20, 1889.In order to give Hitler dictatorial powers he had to ensure the passage of two laws. The first was the Reichstag Fire Decree, which was enacted on 27 February, 1933 which (among other things) suspended civil liberties and habeas corpus rights.The second law was the Enabling Act, (Ermächtigungsgesetz) on 23 March, 1933 which gave Hitler and his government the power to enact laws without consulting the Reichstag. The Act effectively reduced the Reichstag to nothing more than a stage for Hitler's speeches and effectively gave him full dictatorial powers (although 2 "minor" obstacles still remained in the form of the Reichsrat (Germany's second chamber) and the President.Joseph Goebbels wrote shortly after the passage of the Enabling Act: "The authority of the Führer has now been wholly established. Votes are no longer taken. The Führer decides. All this is going much faster than we had dared to hope."Hitler's first political act as de facto dictator was to enact a law titled Vorläufiges Gesetz zur Gleichschaltung der Länder mit dem Reich (Provisional Law for Achieving Uniformity Between the States and the Reich) dated 30 March, 1933, which dissolved state parliaments and then reinstated them according to the votes received by parties in the Reich elections held on March 5 1933. As a result the Nazis now had majorities in all State parliaments.he aso made the newburg laws wich are:Section 1Marriages between Jews and citizens (German: Staatsangehörige) of German or kindred blood are forbidden. Marriages concluded in defiance of this law are void, even if, for the purpose of evading this law, they were concluded abroad.Proceedings for annulment may be initiated only by the Public Prosecutor.Section 2Extramarital sexual intercourse between Jews and subjects of the state of Germany or related blood is forbidden. (Supplementary decrees set Nazi definitions of racial Germans, Jews, and half-breeds or Mischlinge --- see the latter entry for details and citations and Mischling Test for how such decrees were applied. Jews could not vote or hold public office under the parallel "citizenship" law.)Section 3Jews will not be permitted to employ female citizens under the age of 45, of German or kindred blood, as domestic workers.Section 4 Jews are forbidden to display the Reich and national flag or the national colours.On the other hand they are permitted to display the Jewish colours. The exercise of this right is protected by the State.Section 5 A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of Section 1 will be punished with hard labour.A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of Section 2 will be punished with imprisonment or with hard labour.A person who acts contrary to the provisions of Sections 3 or 4 will be punished with imprisonment up to a year and with a fine, or with one of these penalties.Section 6The Reich Minister of the Interior in agreement with the Deputy Führer and the Reich Minister of Justice will issue the legal and administrative regulations required for the enforcement and supplementing of this law.Section 7The law will become effective on the day after its promulgation; Section 3, however, not until 1 January 1936.

Why did Adolf Hitler kill the Jews when he was one?

The question assumes that Hitler was "Jewish" or at least of Jewish origin, but there is absolutely no evidence for this.Answer 1I would rather post this else where but those answers are fixed. Hitler killed the Jews for the following reasons:He regarded (most) Jews as Communists.He blamed the Jews for causing the defeat of Germany in World War 1.He blamed the Jews for the Great Depression.They claimed that the Jews were a morally and culturally corrupting influence.He believed that the Jews were conspiring to rule the world.He also believed that the Jews already, to a large extent, controlled Germany.He believed that they were racially inferior and were in some sense 'contaminating' non-Jewish Germans. However, this is at odds with the view that they were extremely cunning and were 'already controlling Germany'Answer 2The above was Hitler's propaganda, we cannot know the extent to which Hitler believed himself. None of these accusation warranted the holocaust since restricting Jews to ghettos and transporting them out of the fatherland already accomplished victory over the Jews.It is well known that Hitler was an Artist.Hitler killed the Jews because he had an a grand vision of Germany, that did not include Jews. Hitler preyed upon prejudices of the Germany and bad economy to popularize the elimination of Jews, so that his vision could be realized.Read more at the Related Link below.There is no evidence at all that Hitler was partly of Jewish origin. The rumor was current in the period c. 1920-50 as propaganda intended to make him look a hypocrite.The supposition underlying this question, namely that Hitler was part Jewish, is incorrect. Hitler was Austrian and while there is some speculation that his grandmother may have been Jewish, the evidence contradicts this. Hitler wanted to kill the Jews because he was inspired by racist pseudo-scientific thought as are many who have a similar perspective today.Answer 3The events affecting the Jews of Europe during the Nazi era were a culmination of centuries of mistrust, and abuse; Jews were often accused of being the source of societies' problems; they were the universal scapegoat. The antisemitic writings of Martin Luther from the mid 1500s in Germany, were often quoted or paraphrased by Hitler in speeches.Adolf Hitler's "hatred" of the Jews was one of the tools he used to convince the people of Germany that he knew the source of their economic problems and that he was the person who could correct the situation. He chose to use the long standing antisemitism in Germany to gain the people's support. The Jews were a target of opportunity; antisemitism was a useful tool to reach his goals.

Did Jews believe in Hitler?

Most German Jews were patriotic Germans, especially the families of those who fought in World War I. Berlin had tens of thousands of Jews living there in the 1930s, and some Jews undoubtedly supported NSDAP candidates.However, by 1933, Jewish professionals were boycotted, and the Nuremberg laws of 1935 deprived them of the vote. In any case voting in Nazi Germany became meaningless after the rise of Hitler. The Nazis, in particular, would not have wanted any connection with the Jews.A few Jews, however, served and won honors fighting for Hitler, notably Erhard Milch (FM Oberkommando der Luftwaffe) and Emile Maurice (Schutzstaffel party #2 Begleitkommando/Leibstandarte). There were members of the Wehrmacht who were either Mischling or full-blood Jews who held the Ritterkreuz (Knights Cross- the Wehrmacht's [Heer, Luftwaffe, and Kriegsmarine] highest military award for gallantry in battle), some upgraded with swords and oakleafs.German Jews Between the WarsMany practising and non-practicing German Jews had assimilated into German culture fought gallantly and bravely during the First World War. Some were awarded the Blue Max - the Pour Le Merite. In the process, roughly 12000 Jewish Germans died fighting for the Kaiser and Germany. After the war, many of the veteran German Jews identified themselves as German nationalists, and were disheartened by what they perceived as an unfair and unjust punishment cast on Germany in the form of the Treaty Of Versailles as well as the French/Belgian occupation of the Ruhr in 1923. During the interwar years, the Weimar era, Germany was in a state of anarchy. Various groups fought and vied for power. Communists clashed with Socialists, Nationalists clashed with Communists and Germany experienced hyper-inflation.Most Germans chose sides, with many of the Jewish WW1 veterans siding with the Nationalists who eventually morphed into the National Socialists. Great War Veterans were a proud group of patriots, comprised of veterans from all walks of German life. During this time, the Freikorps arose and was like wise comprised of many WW1 vets, including many Jews. The Friekorps were mostly Germans who identified themselves as patriotic nationalists, and were comprised of Germans representing all religions : Lutherans from Prussia, Roman Catholics from Bavaria and Jews from the various states in the Weimar Republic. Many members of the Freikorps (but not all) went on to side with the Workers Party which eventually gave rise to the National Socialists (it must be understood that the FreiKorps and Ehrhardt did not support Hitler and Ludendorf during the "Beer Hall Putsch" (Hitler-Ludendorff-Putsch) and the subsequent events which transpired at the Mareinplatz). Although the early National Socialists preached moderate anti-semitism (something that Jews had experienced for centuries in Europe), many patriotic Jews threw in their support to the "cause", believing the anti-semitic rhetoric was nothing more than what they had experienced in the past, and believed this rhetoric to be innocuous. The German Jewish Veterans Association worked to ease some of this anti-semitism through campaigns to convince the German public they identified themselves as culturally German, not culturally Jewish.Germany was a powder keg during the Weimar era. The NSDAP was successful in capturing seats in the Reichstag because the German citizenry were scared by the social unrest, were upset by the Treaty of Versailles, and Germans believed the Nazi Party would offer the ability to regain German pride, and restore order in the country. Counted among the citizens who voted for the party were many Jews. It wasn't until 1935 and the Nuremberg Race Laws were enacted did the Jewish population as a whole realize what was actually happening. The SA bullied Jews and the 1938 Kristallnacht cemented the future of what was to come in Germany. Still, German Jewish veterans believed that their association with Nationalism (and their heroic service during the Great War) would be considered and they wouldn't be victimized by Nazism and the Nuremberg Laws.So many German Jews supported the NSDAP in the early days. And a number of full-blood Jews remained in the service of the Reich, holding positions in the Wehrmacht high-command, and other positions in government even in spite of the Nuremberg Laws. Mischlings (which literally translates to half-breed) often practiced aspects of Judaism as well as Roman Catholicism/Protestantism and were active in all forms during the Reich. The vast majority of German Mischlings were exempted from the Nuremberg laws and persecution. However, it would be remiss, and a complete distortion of historical fact not to explain that in the occupied regions of the Sudetenland, Annexed Austria, occupied Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, and the Western Soviet Caucasus, Jews, regardless of religious affiliation and regardless of their status as Mischlings, were subject to the Holocaust. Non-Jewish spouses of Jews (Roman Catholics, etc.) in the occupied areas were viewed by the Reich as "Jewish", as were Mischlings of any percentage, and again subject to the Nazi pogroms. A distinction existed during this tumultuous time between German Jews and Mischlings as opposed to Jews and Mischlings of other nationalities. This was another example of the endemic sickness of German National Socialist policy.---This issue has caused historical debate for decades since the war. It's also an issue which is uncomfortable for many to discuss. For a better understanding of what transpired in this complex issue, the curious are encouraged to consult the historical research by Mark Rigg and Ian Kershaw. There are autobiographies of Germans who served the Reich : Milch, Speer and so forth.Comments1. A few German Jews 'of mixed race' (half or quarter Jews) applied for 'Aryanization', and a small number of applications were accepted. The number of Jews accepted to the Germany Army in World War 2 (forbidden to Jews in 1935) was a drop in the ocean given the size of the German army. 'Full Jews' (as defined by the Nuremberg Laws, that is people with three or four Jewish grandparents) were rarely accepted into the German armed forces by the Nazis.2. Some German Jews had been brought up to be '101% German'. A very small number of these were initially attracted to Nazism. One such example is the educator Kurt Hahn (1886-1974). However, by 1933 he saw what the Nazis were really like; he saw stormtroopers viciously beating up opponents in the street. He criticized them, was briefly imprisoned, and on his release fled to Britain. These experiences were a rude awakening for him, to put it mildly.4. As for claims that any significant number of German 'half Jews' practised some mixture of Judaism and Christianity, that is so fantastical that it needs backing with really hard evidence.5. The Nazis did not want Jews as supporters, let alone as party members.6. As far as Mark Rigg's work is concerned it has been said that he dashed into print too early ... In other words, much more work has still to be done on the subject.Notable among Jewish World War I veteransHelmuth Wilberg, an early aviation warfare pioneer and soldier during the First World War, was an architect of the tactics of "Blitzkrieg" as well as helping the National Socialist government develop the Luftwaffe after Hitler's assumption of power. (Goring made sure that Wilberg was exempt from racial targeting and from the Nuremberg laws).Did some Jew's vote for Hitler,I need to double check but there were about 100,000 thousand Jews, half-Jews and more over self hating Jews that supported Hitler either from racial beliefs or out of fear of others.

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What actors and actresses appeared in Growing Up Mischling - 2009?

The cast of Growing Up Mischling - 2009 includes: Inge Papich as herself

What does Mischling mean in English?

Mischling or mischlinge is a German term that means a person is of mixed heritage. Specifically in the time of the Third Reich, a mischling was a person who had one or two Jewish grandparents even though they themselves did not practice the Jewish religion (or even have Jewish parents). Today, the term mischling is used by Germans to simply mean a person of mixed background, without the negative connotations implied during the Third Reich. It is comparable to the term multiracial in the United States.

What did the Germans call those who had some Jewish blood but were not classified as Jews?


What are the release dates for Growing Up Mischling - 2009?

Growing Up Mischling - 2009 was released on: USA: 3 April 2009 (Lake Arrowhead Film Festival) USA: 25 April 2010 (Newport Beach International Film Festival)

Why did the Nazis feel the Nuremberg laws were necessary?

The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 were antisemitic laws in Nazi Germany which were introduced at the annual Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg. The laws classified people as German if all four of their grandparents were of "German or kindred blood", while people were classified as Jews if they descended from three or four Jewish grandparents. A person with one or two Jewish grandparents was a Mischling, a crossbreed, of "mixed blood".The Nuremberg Laws deprived Jews of citizenship and prohibited marriage between Jews and other Germans.

Was the main effect of the Nuremberg laws?

They deprived Jews of all civil rights and started the Holocaust.

What exactly is Hitler's perfect race?

Hitler thought that the Germans should be the dominant people. He wanted a perfect race. To get the perfect race, he didn't want any other blood or genes except those of Germans. Therefore, he didn't want Jewish or any other types of blood to be considered German, like those of the Mischling. Hitler's perfect race was to have all Germans and no Gypsies, Jews, etc. But Hitler thought that people with blue eyes and blonde hair were perfect, and fit the ideals of his master 'Aryan' (perfect) race. Hitler's perfect race was no minority, (e.g. Jewish, Gypsy, ect.) and blond hair, blue eyes.This was described as Aryan or "pure". Hitler himself had dark hair and dark eyes and because of this did not want to father a child of his own as it would obviously not fit into the ideals of the Aryan race. Hitler's ideal 'Germanic type' had fair hair, blue eyes, was slim and tall, didn't smoke, didn't drink much, wasn't a substance abuser - was also chaste and had no trace of any 'unwholesome' sexual desires, such as the homosexuality and sadism for which many of his closest followers were notorious. The ideal Germanic type was, to repeat a joke that circulated in Nazi Germany, 'as slender and healthy as Goering [a notorious, very fat heroine addict], as tall and fit as Himmler, as chaste as Goebbels [adulterer] and as blond as Hitler'.

What rights were taken away from the Jews by the Nazis?

Jews were deprived of the right to life, liberty and property.____Jews could not own pets or bicycles. They also had a strict curfew to obey. Nazi Youth was the only youth organization allowed. Synagogues were destroyed during Kristallnacht and finally many friendships between Jews and non-Jews were torn apart (often from fear of being associated with Jews). Friendships were also destroyed between those Christians who supported and did not support the Nazi regime. Reference the Nuremberg Law's for more restrictions. The Nuremberg laws were passed on September 15, 1935. Nazi Germany instituted a series of laws designed to make freedom increasingly difficult for the Jews and to restrict their freedom. Excerpts follow:'Reich Citizenship Law: A Reich citizen is a subject of the state who is German or related blood, who proves by his conduct that he is willing and fit to serve the German people and Reich. A Reich citizen is the sole bearer of all political rights.'Marriages between Jews and subjects of the state of Germany or related bloods is forbidden. Marriages nevertheless concluded are invalid, even if concluded abroad to circumvent this law'.Extramarital intercourse between Jews and those of Germany or related blood is forbidden.Jews may not employ in their households female subjects of German or related blood who are under 45 years old.Jews are forbidden to fly the Reich or National flag or to display the Reich colors. They are, on the other hand, permitted to display the Jewish colors.1. Regulation for the Elimination of the Jews from the Economic Life of Germany (11-12-38) Jews are forbidden to operate retail stores, mail order houses or sales agencies, or to practice a craft. They cannot offer for sale goods or services, to advertise these or to accept orders at markets, fairs and exhibitions of all sorts.2. Jews are forbidden to ride streetcars, go to the theater, play sports, go to the parks, practice medicine, law, farming, and can only walk on certain streets. Jews must shop only at certain stores during certain hours, and Jewish children can attend Jewish schools only.In addition to the above laws, in 1939, Jews were ordered to turn in their radio sets. They were forbidden to leave their homes except for a few hours each day. Jews were forced to deposit all their money in banks, then forbidden to take their money out. The money was confiscated by the Nazis. Telephones were taken away.A Jew cannot be a Reich citizen. He has no voting rights in political matters. He cannot occupy a public office.A Jew is a person descended from at least three grandparents who are full Jews.A Mischling is considered a Jew if he is descended from two full Jewish grandparents; who was a member of the Jewish Religious Community; who was married to a Jew; who was born from a lineage with a Jew or as the result of extramarital intercourse with a Jew.Virtually all. Including citizenship.

When was Adolf Hitler born and when was his first act as a dictator?

Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria on April 20, 1889.In order to give Hitler dictatorial powers he had to ensure the passage of two laws. The first was the Reichstag Fire Decree, which was enacted on 27 February, 1933 which (among other things) suspended civil liberties and habeas corpus rights.The second law was the Enabling Act, (Ermächtigungsgesetz) on 23 March, 1933 which gave Hitler and his government the power to enact laws without consulting the Reichstag. The Act effectively reduced the Reichstag to nothing more than a stage for Hitler's speeches and effectively gave him full dictatorial powers (although 2 "minor" obstacles still remained in the form of the Reichsrat (Germany's second chamber) and the President.Joseph Goebbels wrote shortly after the passage of the Enabling Act: "The authority of the Führer has now been wholly established. Votes are no longer taken. The Führer decides. All this is going much faster than we had dared to hope."Hitler's first political act as de facto dictator was to enact a law titled Vorläufiges Gesetz zur Gleichschaltung der Länder mit dem Reich (Provisional Law for Achieving Uniformity Between the States and the Reich) dated 30 March, 1933, which dissolved state parliaments and then reinstated them according to the votes received by parties in the Reich elections held on March 5 1933. As a result the Nazis now had majorities in all State parliaments.he aso made the newburg laws wich are:Section 1Marriages between Jews and citizens (German: Staatsangehörige) of German or kindred blood are forbidden. Marriages concluded in defiance of this law are void, even if, for the purpose of evading this law, they were concluded abroad.Proceedings for annulment may be initiated only by the Public Prosecutor.Section 2Extramarital sexual intercourse between Jews and subjects of the state of Germany or related blood is forbidden. (Supplementary decrees set Nazi definitions of racial Germans, Jews, and half-breeds or Mischlinge --- see the latter entry for details and citations and Mischling Test for how such decrees were applied. Jews could not vote or hold public office under the parallel "citizenship" law.)Section 3Jews will not be permitted to employ female citizens under the age of 45, of German or kindred blood, as domestic workers.Section 4 Jews are forbidden to display the Reich and national flag or the national colours.On the other hand they are permitted to display the Jewish colours. The exercise of this right is protected by the State.Section 5 A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of Section 1 will be punished with hard labour.A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of Section 2 will be punished with imprisonment or with hard labour.A person who acts contrary to the provisions of Sections 3 or 4 will be punished with imprisonment up to a year and with a fine, or with one of these penalties.Section 6The Reich Minister of the Interior in agreement with the Deputy Führer and the Reich Minister of Justice will issue the legal and administrative regulations required for the enforcement and supplementing of this law.Section 7The law will become effective on the day after its promulgation; Section 3, however, not until 1 January 1936.

Why did Adolf Hitler kill the Jews when he was one?

The question assumes that Hitler was "Jewish" or at least of Jewish origin, but there is absolutely no evidence for this.Answer 1I would rather post this else where but those answers are fixed. Hitler killed the Jews for the following reasons:He regarded (most) Jews as Communists.He blamed the Jews for causing the defeat of Germany in World War 1.He blamed the Jews for the Great Depression.They claimed that the Jews were a morally and culturally corrupting influence.He believed that the Jews were conspiring to rule the world.He also believed that the Jews already, to a large extent, controlled Germany.He believed that they were racially inferior and were in some sense 'contaminating' non-Jewish Germans. However, this is at odds with the view that they were extremely cunning and were 'already controlling Germany'Answer 2The above was Hitler's propaganda, we cannot know the extent to which Hitler believed himself. None of these accusation warranted the holocaust since restricting Jews to ghettos and transporting them out of the fatherland already accomplished victory over the Jews.It is well known that Hitler was an Artist.Hitler killed the Jews because he had an a grand vision of Germany, that did not include Jews. Hitler preyed upon prejudices of the Germany and bad economy to popularize the elimination of Jews, so that his vision could be realized.Read more at the Related Link below.There is no evidence at all that Hitler was partly of Jewish origin. The rumor was current in the period c. 1920-50 as propaganda intended to make him look a hypocrite.The supposition underlying this question, namely that Hitler was part Jewish, is incorrect. Hitler was Austrian and while there is some speculation that his grandmother may have been Jewish, the evidence contradicts this. Hitler wanted to kill the Jews because he was inspired by racist pseudo-scientific thought as are many who have a similar perspective today.Answer 3The events affecting the Jews of Europe during the Nazi era were a culmination of centuries of mistrust, and abuse; Jews were often accused of being the source of societies' problems; they were the universal scapegoat. The antisemitic writings of Martin Luther from the mid 1500s in Germany, were often quoted or paraphrased by Hitler in speeches.Adolf Hitler's "hatred" of the Jews was one of the tools he used to convince the people of Germany that he knew the source of their economic problems and that he was the person who could correct the situation. He chose to use the long standing antisemitism in Germany to gain the people's support. The Jews were a target of opportunity; antisemitism was a useful tool to reach his goals.

Did Jews believe in Hitler?

Most German Jews were patriotic Germans, especially the families of those who fought in World War I. Berlin had tens of thousands of Jews living there in the 1930s, and some Jews undoubtedly supported NSDAP candidates.However, by 1933, Jewish professionals were boycotted, and the Nuremberg laws of 1935 deprived them of the vote. In any case voting in Nazi Germany became meaningless after the rise of Hitler. The Nazis, in particular, would not have wanted any connection with the Jews.A few Jews, however, served and won honors fighting for Hitler, notably Erhard Milch (FM Oberkommando der Luftwaffe) and Emile Maurice (Schutzstaffel party #2 Begleitkommando/Leibstandarte). There were members of the Wehrmacht who were either Mischling or full-blood Jews who held the Ritterkreuz (Knights Cross- the Wehrmacht's [Heer, Luftwaffe, and Kriegsmarine] highest military award for gallantry in battle), some upgraded with swords and oakleafs.German Jews Between the WarsMany practising and non-practicing German Jews had assimilated into German culture fought gallantly and bravely during the First World War. Some were awarded the Blue Max - the Pour Le Merite. In the process, roughly 12000 Jewish Germans died fighting for the Kaiser and Germany. After the war, many of the veteran German Jews identified themselves as German nationalists, and were disheartened by what they perceived as an unfair and unjust punishment cast on Germany in the form of the Treaty Of Versailles as well as the French/Belgian occupation of the Ruhr in 1923. During the interwar years, the Weimar era, Germany was in a state of anarchy. Various groups fought and vied for power. Communists clashed with Socialists, Nationalists clashed with Communists and Germany experienced hyper-inflation.Most Germans chose sides, with many of the Jewish WW1 veterans siding with the Nationalists who eventually morphed into the National Socialists. Great War Veterans were a proud group of patriots, comprised of veterans from all walks of German life. During this time, the Freikorps arose and was like wise comprised of many WW1 vets, including many Jews. The Friekorps were mostly Germans who identified themselves as patriotic nationalists, and were comprised of Germans representing all religions : Lutherans from Prussia, Roman Catholics from Bavaria and Jews from the various states in the Weimar Republic. Many members of the Freikorps (but not all) went on to side with the Workers Party which eventually gave rise to the National Socialists (it must be understood that the FreiKorps and Ehrhardt did not support Hitler and Ludendorf during the "Beer Hall Putsch" (Hitler-Ludendorff-Putsch) and the subsequent events which transpired at the Mareinplatz). Although the early National Socialists preached moderate anti-semitism (something that Jews had experienced for centuries in Europe), many patriotic Jews threw in their support to the "cause", believing the anti-semitic rhetoric was nothing more than what they had experienced in the past, and believed this rhetoric to be innocuous. The German Jewish Veterans Association worked to ease some of this anti-semitism through campaigns to convince the German public they identified themselves as culturally German, not culturally Jewish.Germany was a powder keg during the Weimar era. The NSDAP was successful in capturing seats in the Reichstag because the German citizenry were scared by the social unrest, were upset by the Treaty of Versailles, and Germans believed the Nazi Party would offer the ability to regain German pride, and restore order in the country. Counted among the citizens who voted for the party were many Jews. It wasn't until 1935 and the Nuremberg Race Laws were enacted did the Jewish population as a whole realize what was actually happening. The SA bullied Jews and the 1938 Kristallnacht cemented the future of what was to come in Germany. Still, German Jewish veterans believed that their association with Nationalism (and their heroic service during the Great War) would be considered and they wouldn't be victimized by Nazism and the Nuremberg Laws.So many German Jews supported the NSDAP in the early days. And a number of full-blood Jews remained in the service of the Reich, holding positions in the Wehrmacht high-command, and other positions in government even in spite of the Nuremberg Laws. Mischlings (which literally translates to half-breed) often practiced aspects of Judaism as well as Roman Catholicism/Protestantism and were active in all forms during the Reich. The vast majority of German Mischlings were exempted from the Nuremberg laws and persecution. However, it would be remiss, and a complete distortion of historical fact not to explain that in the occupied regions of the Sudetenland, Annexed Austria, occupied Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, and the Western Soviet Caucasus, Jews, regardless of religious affiliation and regardless of their status as Mischlings, were subject to the Holocaust. Non-Jewish spouses of Jews (Roman Catholics, etc.) in the occupied areas were viewed by the Reich as "Jewish", as were Mischlings of any percentage, and again subject to the Nazi pogroms. A distinction existed during this tumultuous time between German Jews and Mischlings as opposed to Jews and Mischlings of other nationalities. This was another example of the endemic sickness of German National Socialist policy.---This issue has caused historical debate for decades since the war. It's also an issue which is uncomfortable for many to discuss. For a better understanding of what transpired in this complex issue, the curious are encouraged to consult the historical research by Mark Rigg and Ian Kershaw. There are autobiographies of Germans who served the Reich : Milch, Speer and so forth.Comments1. A few German Jews 'of mixed race' (half or quarter Jews) applied for 'Aryanization', and a small number of applications were accepted. The number of Jews accepted to the Germany Army in World War 2 (forbidden to Jews in 1935) was a drop in the ocean given the size of the German army. 'Full Jews' (as defined by the Nuremberg Laws, that is people with three or four Jewish grandparents) were rarely accepted into the German armed forces by the Nazis.2. Some German Jews had been brought up to be '101% German'. A very small number of these were initially attracted to Nazism. One such example is the educator Kurt Hahn (1886-1974). However, by 1933 he saw what the Nazis were really like; he saw stormtroopers viciously beating up opponents in the street. He criticized them, was briefly imprisoned, and on his release fled to Britain. These experiences were a rude awakening for him, to put it mildly.4. As for claims that any significant number of German 'half Jews' practised some mixture of Judaism and Christianity, that is so fantastical that it needs backing with really hard evidence.5. The Nazis did not want Jews as supporters, let alone as party members.6. As far as Mark Rigg's work is concerned it has been said that he dashed into print too early ... In other words, much more work has still to be done on the subject.Notable among Jewish World War I veteransHelmuth Wilberg, an early aviation warfare pioneer and soldier during the First World War, was an architect of the tactics of "Blitzkrieg" as well as helping the National Socialist government develop the Luftwaffe after Hitler's assumption of power. (Goring made sure that Wilberg was exempt from racial targeting and from the Nuremberg laws).Did some Jew's vote for Hitler,I need to double check but there were about 100,000 thousand Jews, half-Jews and more over self hating Jews that supported Hitler either from racial beliefs or out of fear of others.