I Think It Was Hitlers Bloody Mess.
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.
first of all its nazi and YES!!! they r hitlers sodiers and they were evil just like him
that is not a complete sentence do you mean what the conflict around hitlers daughter or the conflict for hitlers daughter ?
Oh, dude, seriously? Hitler wasn't playing Call of Duty, he was a dictator responsible for the deaths of millions of people during World War II. So, his "killstreak" was more like a horrifying tragedy, not something to joke about. Let's keep it light and respectful, okay?
Get a 100 killstreak
NOPE! It's a 3 killstreak.
no, a killstreak stop when you die and the kills that your harrier do will not count in your next killstreak
You dont have to be at any level. All you have to do is get a seven killstreak reward, an eight killstreak reward, and then a nine killstreak reward.
Yes anything that you don't call a care package for adds to your killstreak
If you are level 1 you cant change your killstreak you have random chosen killstreak in the randomly guns that you have and those killstreak are 3 spyplane 5 carepackage 7 atack heli. when you are level 5 or 8 dont remember then you can choose your own killstreak
There is a 3 killstreak, where you can activate an orbital beacon. A 5 killstreak, where you jam the enemy's abilities. And a 7 killstreak, where everyone on your team (including yourself) gets an overshield.
Yes, it does. Any killstreaks count toward your current killstreak unless you got it from a Care Package or it's from a previous life (you died after you got the killstreak).
The best killstreak is the Tactical Nuke but use killstreaks that you can get frequently.
Attack Dogs and the Gunship are both the highest killstreak reward at 11 kills.