Periodization refers to categorizing periods of history by name. Some examples of named periods of history include the Middle Ages, Gothic, and Baroque.
The periodization of history of India has different elements. The period of 1500 - 1000 BC was called the Vedic period. The period of 322 - 187 BC was called the Mauryan period.
Black history Demographic history Ethnic history Gender history History of childhood History of education History of the family Labour history LGBT history Rural history Urban history American urban history Women's history Cultural history
We can say that history is history when history makes sense to humnanity.
The History - talks about a specific history History - is used in general
The history of China predates the history of America. China's history began in what is generally called ancient history.
Periodisation (in relation to training) is the different parts in the training programme.
The periodization of history of India has different elements. The period of 1500 - 1000 BC was called the Vedic period. The period of 322 - 187 BC was called the Mauryan period.
James Mill divided history according to the religion or view of the most dominant and powerful ruler in India at the time. The problem with the periodization of James Mill is that he only looks at Indian history from the view point of the rulers, and doesn't think about the views of the people.
the sources of modern history of India were the literary sources like manuscripts,scrolls , books ,important documents etc.;the second would be archaeological sources and monuments and the third would be other sources like printing machine,photographs, broadcasts etc.
Periodization is an organized approach to training that involves progressive cycling of various aspects of a training program during a specific period of time. PERIODISATIONS ARE - ANCIENT , MEDIEVAL , MODERN .
Periodization is the attempt to categorize or divide time into named blocks. The result is a descriptive abstraction that provides Periodization is the process of structuring training into phases
it organizes long periods of time into eras based on their similiar characteristic
Periodisation varies, but a "broad" one would be around 1300-1600. In Italy the most dramatic period of artistic innovation occurred in the latter half of the 15th century and the early 16th; in other parts of Europe somewhat later.
Mediviel history modern history
Periodisation is important because it part of building blocks approach used over an annual plan to prepare an athlete for competition in satges as well as ensuring that microcycles within that plan follow upon each at their ending. The overall plan for the year is subject to flexibility dictated by the the athlete's rate of progress
Any five you like: it's largely down to perspective, and periods are just a method of dividing still longer spans into slighly more managable chunks distinguished from one another according to some more-or-less subjective set of criteria. European periodisation of the past two millennia is pretty meaningless in China, where more people lived throughout. Europe at the end of its own Middle Ages bore little political, social or economic resemblance to the continent at the start of the period; the same applies to a far greater extent to the modern age.
Black history Demographic history Ethnic history Gender history History of childhood History of education History of the family Labour history LGBT history Rural history Urban history American urban history Women's history Cultural history