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There are about thirty different words that are applicable to "sound" in German. Without knowing the context in which it is used, a translation is not a sensible thin to do. See the link below, it will demonstrate the extent of the problem.

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Q: What is the German word for sound?
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What does sound mean in German?

Sond is not a German word. The closest German words are:Sonde - probeSonder - without

Who gave sound the name sound?

Look for the word etymology. Sound (english) > sund, gesund (german).

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I believe you spelled the word wrong, please double check. "Ywosch" is not a German word, nor does it sound close to any German word, as far as I know.

How do you pronounce the word no in German?

The word "no" in German is pronounced as "nein." It is pronounced as "nine" in English, but in German, the "e" is pronounced as a short sound closer to "eh."

Is the German ich like a ih?

The German ch-sound is pronounced as in the Scottish word loch although in some local dialects its is pronounced as a sh- or ck-sound.

What is the word sound translated into different languages?

Sound in Spanish is "sonido," in French it's "son," and in German it's "klang."

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The word "Leicht" is pronounced as "lye-kht" in German. The "ei" makes the long "i" sound, and the "ch" is pronounced as a soft "k" sound.

How do you say kaleb in German?

Kaleb as a name, has no direct translation to German. If a German were to speak the word, it would sound as it would in English, with the harsh tone common in Germans.

What does the word mother sound like in German?

Answer The German equivalent of the English word "mother" is die Mutter. The word die (pron. dee) means "the" and indicates that the word is feminine in gender. In the noun itself, the "u" is pronounced much like the "u" in the English word "put". Be sure to keep the "t" sound distinct. Prettysharp.

How do you pronounce beautiful in German?

The most common German word for beautiful is schön.The ö-sound is pronounced as in shirt - so schön is pronounced shirn

What does ja in German sound like?

The "j" in German is usually pronounced as a "y". The word "ja" means "yes" in English and is pronounced "yah", just like we do.

What is the Hebrew word for charisma?

There is no Hebrew word for Charisma. Israelis just use the word "charisma" (spelled כָרִיזְמָה) and they pronounce the ch as a gutteral sound, as in German.