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Please note the the answer below was NOT written by James Hough, and is not endorsed by him, as well.

There were many great men involved in the Protestant reformation.

John Wycliffe is known as the "morning star of the reformation". And then we have:

- John Huss and Jerome

- Martin Luther

- William Tyndale

- Hugh Latimer

- Thomas Cranmer

- The Ridleys

- Zwingli

- John Fox

- John Knox

- John Calvin

- John Wesley

And many more men who stood up against Roman Peoples Nutsszzzzz

The reformers believed that the Pope represented that "man of sin" in The Bible and believed the Papacy to be the antichrist system (little horn of Daniel 7).

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10y ago

This depends on which reformation you are referring to.

Generally, though, the Christian Reformation is considered to have begun on 31 October 1517, with Martin Luther's act of posting his Ninety-Five Theses, more fully known as the "Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences", on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. The document contained an attack on papal abuses and the sale of indulgences by church officials. Although a Catholic monk, Luther was highly critical of the Roman church, and it is his beliefs and writings which started the Reformation, which resulted in a breaking away from the Roman catholic church and traditional doctrines and practices.

The reformation was brought on by many factors such as the weakening of the papacy from its Avignon period, bishops who were worldly rulers, not religious; the intellectual and moral unfitness of many of the priests, the general upheaval in the world caused by the end of the feudal period and the invention of the printing press.

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11y ago


The Reformation was the inevitable reaction to decadence and corruption within the Roman Catholic Church. It was facilitated by the invention of the printing pres, making written communication easier, but it was inevitable. If Martin Luther had not started to Reformation, someone else would have done so.

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9y ago

The protestant revolt was when people in the 16th century started finding faults with the Catholic Church primarily because they were unhappy with the moral teachings of Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, as taught without change or error by the Catholic Church for the fifteen centuries up until that time. The protestant heresy is one of the great heresies of all time ranking up there with Gnosticism, Arianism, Pelagianism, Nestorianism, Monophysitism, Iconoclasm, Catharism: and in a sense is a mixture of all them with the latest one (which Protestantism anticipated): Modernism thrown into the mix.

This heresy spawned literally thousands of breakaway heretical groups, until there are as many as 30,000 different versions all claiming to be "Christian".

The protestant revolt started with Martin Luther (NOT to be confused with Martin Luther King, Jr. several centuries later) who primarily objected to the Church preaching a moral life.

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11y ago

Reformation is the act of reforming or the state of being reformed.

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12y ago

The reformation was a questioning and challenging of the authority of the Catholic church, especially with opposition from the Protestant faith, in the 16th century.

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The reformation was a questioning and challenging of the authority of Catholicism in the 16th century.

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