The State fish of Hawaii is the Reef Trigger fish (humuhumunukunukuapuaʻa)
pronounced: hoo-moo-hoo-moo-noo-koo-noo-koo-auhp-oo-ah-ah.
See related link for more information.
Hawaii was the 50th and final state added to the United States.
Hawaii is the newest state in the United StatesThat would be Hawaii, added in 1959.
The last state to enter the Union was Hawaii in 1959.
Hawaii is the 50th state and was added on August 21, 1959.
Hawiai isn't a state but Hawaii became a state in 1952
The state fish of Hawaii is the Picasso Parrotfish or the Humahumanukanukaaapuaa.
The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a is the unofficial state fish of Hawaii is also known as trigger fish and Although it is widely recognized as the state fish, the Hawaiian State Legislature has never actually made it official. Meaning it is not the official state fish of Hawaii.
The state fish of Hawaii (Humuh um unukunukuapua) is 18 inches long.!!!!! WOW:) Sinceraly, A person Your Welcome:):):):):):):)
The Reef Triggerfish is Hawaii's state fish. This fish also goes by the name Humuhumunukunukuapua`a and is an incredibly colorful fish.
The state fish of Hawaii is the humuhumunukunukuapua'a Pronounced: "hoo-moo-hoo-moo-noo-koo-noo-koo-ah-poo-ah-ah"
no its not i heard it's good
close to shore
Hawaii's state fish is the humuhumunukunukuapuaa. sometimes called the humuhumu for short.
The same way all other fish eat? Algae, other fish, etc.
The humuhumunukunukuapua'a became the state fish of Hawaii in 1984.
=Humuhumunukunukuapua`a - Hawaiian Trigger Fish =
The hawaiian state tree is Kukui,state fish is the reef triggerfish also known as the Humuhumunukunuku apa'a.