Edward faced the problems of Changing the churches from Catholic to Protestant, then after Edward died at the age of 15 his sister Mary I (bloody mary) Chnaged the churches from Protestant back to Catholic, When Mary died after just a small reign, Elizbeth I was a Protestant but didn't want to take the Catholic religion away so she was stuck with the decision of changing it to Cathoic or Protestant...... She then decided to split the churches to Protestant and Catholic so everybody was happy.
He also didn't marry to geet any allies or make an heir to the tthrone and didn't make much money
Edward Seymour!
Edward VI (6th)
Edward VI took the throne on January 28th, 1547.
King Edward VI (1537 - 1553) came to the throne after Henry.
Mary I
The successor to Edward VI was Queen Mary I.
Edward vi (1537 - 1553)
Edward VI failed to survive his illness (tuberculosis)
That would be Edward, later Edward VI.
Edward Seymour!
King Edward VI Handsworth was created in 1883.
King Edward VI was a Protestant :D
henry VIII had him, aand waz happy wen he ddid
Edward VI never married, and died age 15. He had previously been betrothed to Mary, Queen of Scots as a child. None of Henry VIII's children (Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I, Henry Fitzroy) had offspring.
King Edward VI Community College was created in 1966.
Edward VI (6th)
King Edward VI of England was born on October 12, 1537.