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"Cheese is like the grating of a tree."

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Q: What was a John Johnny Appleseed Chapman quote?
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Why is John Chapman famous?

If this who you are thinking of, John Chapman is Johnny Appleseed.

How tall was johnny Appleseed?

John Chapman (Johnny appleseed)was exactly 6' 11"

What is Johnny Appleseed's fathers name?

Nathaniel Chapman married Elizabeth Simonds and had three children: Elizabeth, John and Nathaniel. John Chapman grew up to be "Johnny Appleseed."

Legend about John Chapman?

John Chapman was a real man who inspired the story of Johnny Appleseed. Chapman went on foot all though the country planting apple trees.

Were did johnny apple seed live?

Johny Appleseed's rel name is John Chapman and he did originate from Ebgland:P

Related questions

Why is John Chapman famous?

If this who you are thinking of, John Chapman is Johnny Appleseed.

How tall was johnny Appleseed?

John Chapman (Johnny appleseed)was exactly 6' 11"

Who were Johnny Appleseed's parents?

john chapmans, also known as ''johnny appleseed'' parents were Nathaniel dabney Chapman and elizibeth symond Chapman.

What is John Chipman's nickname?

John Chapman (no i) was Johnny Appleseed.

What is the popular nickname of John Chapman?

Johnny Appleseed

What is Johnny Appleseed's fathers name?

Nathaniel Chapman married Elizabeth Simonds and had three children: Elizabeth, John and Nathaniel. John Chapman grew up to be "Johnny Appleseed."

Why did john Chapman die?

There are controversies surrounding the date and the reason for John Chapman's (Johnny Appleseed's) death.

Who is birthday is on the 26 of September?

John Chapman or more famously known as Johnny Appleseed

What pedestrian planted apples throughout the American wilderness?

John Chapman (Johnny appleseed) (:

What pedestrian apple trees throughout the American wilderness?

John Chapman (Johnny appleseed) (:

When was John Chapman born and when did he die?

John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed) was born in 1774 and he died in 1847. He lived to be 73 years old.

Did johnny apple seed have wife and kids?

John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed never married.