Actually, if we are referring to the United States, the first actual Draft was used by the North in the Civil War. It was highly unpopular, as it was very unfairly conducted.
The US Civil War (1861-1865) was the first US draft; The Vietnam War (1961-1975) was the last US draft. Ironically, both wars had an assassinated US President occurring in the 60's; both wars had a defeated South; both wars had draft riots; and both wars divided the US.
The US Civil War (1861-1865) was the first official draft for US Troops; The Vietnam War (1961-1975) was the last official draft for US Troops. The draft was ended by President Nixon.
The draft was first used during the American Civil War
The first nation wide US draft was the US Civil War in 1861-1865.
I belive there were only three wars the draft was used for, the civil War, World War 2, and the Vietnam conflict. There might have also been a draft for WW1
The FIRST US draft was during the US Civil War (1861-1865). The LAST US draft was during the Vietnam War (1961-1975).
The draft was first used during the American Civil War
The first US draft was during the US Civil War (1861-1865); the last US draft was during the Vietnam War (1961-1975).
I have read it was used during the Civil War years for the first time in the United States.
First, US Civil War; Last, Vietnam War.
The first nation wide US draft was the US Civil War in 1861-1865.
I belive there were only three wars the draft was used for, the civil War, World War 2, and the Vietnam conflict. There might have also been a draft for WW1
it was your mommas
I belive there were only three wars the draft was used for, the civil War, World War 2, and the Vietnam conflict. There might have also been a draft for WW1
The US military draft began in the US Civil War (1861-1865).
The FIRST US war to have an "official" military draft was the US Civil War (1861-1865); which also resulted in the nation's FIRST "draft riots." Vietnam (1961-1975) was the LAST military draft, with the accompanying last "draft riots." US males were drafted in WW1 (1917-1918), WW2 (1941-1945), and the Korean War (1950-1953).
During the American Revolution, some states resorted to the draft to get citizens to join the state militia. The United States first employed national conscription during the Civil War. I believe President Madison had tried to institute a draft while he was President but Congress would not approve it. The Union conscription law led to violent draft demonstrations in New York City, in 1863. Several people were killed during the Draft Riots.