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Deborah Sampson

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Q: What was the real identity of Robert shurtliffe who served in the revolutionary war?
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Did robert e lee serve in the revolutionary war during west point?

No. Check the dates. The Revolutionary War was long over before Lee was born. His father, 'Lighthorse' Harry Lee,had served in the Revolutionary War.

Did Deborah Sampson get any awards?

Deborah Sampson served in the Revolutionary War for the Colonies in 1782-1783. She served as a man using her late brothers name Robert Shurtliff. She never received any awards.

Did Deborah Sampson get awarded any awards?

Deborah Sampson served in the Revolutionary War for the Colonies in 1782-1783. She served as a man using her late brothers name Robert Shurtliff. She never received any awards.

Who served in the Revolutionary War from Murfreesboro Tennessee?

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Who was Henry lee?

Henry Lee III was a Virginian politician who served as a military officer during the Revolutionary War. His son was Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate army during the Civil War.

Who was the Native American chief that served as a British army officer during the Revolutionary War?

Joseph Brant was the Native American chief that served as a British army officer during the Revolutionary War.

Who was the native Americans chief that served as a British army officer during the revolutionary war?

Joseph Brant was the Native American chief that served as a British army officer during the Revolutionary War.

Who was a diplomat to france during the revolutionary war?

Benjamin Franklin served as the American ambassador to France during the Revolutionary War.

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Who are the three future presidents who fought in the revolutionary war?

George Washington, James Monroe and Andrew Jackson all served in the Revolutionary Army. Washington was the supreme commander for the entire war. Monroe served as an officer for two years. Andrew Jackson was a boy who served as a messenger and was captured by the British.

How did Robert E Lee represent aristocracy?

Robert E. Lee had a relative who had been a military hero who served in the American Revolutionary War. Lee was a brilliant engineer and graduated 2nd in his West Point class.His background seems to have been a "business" family one and not a high level aristocratic one.