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The French left north Vietnam in 1954

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Q: When did the French leave north Vietnam?
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What did the Geneva accords provide for?

It forced French troops to leave Vietnam and divided Vietnam into two countries. (A)

What convinced the French to leave Vietnam?

Decisive defeats of their armies, particularly at Dien Bien Phu forced the French to leave Vietnam.

Why did north Vietnam leave the war?

They didn't leave it; they won it.

What did the Geneva Accords decide?

It forced French troops to leave Vietnam and divided Vietnam into two countries. (A)

Why did the US get invoved in the conflict in Vietnam?

After World War 2, the French went back to Vietnam (formerly their territory) in an attempt to reclaim it, but the Soviets had already taken North Vietnam. The Soviets helped establish Northern Vietnam, and left it to run itself. The French claimed South Vietnam, leading to a struggle between the two countries. The French battled North Vietnam on multiple occasions, but ultimately gave up. The U.S entered Vietnam in order to prevent North Vietnam from invading South Vietnam, but North Vietnam had the majority of support. While the North Vietnamese Army invaded from the North, Vietnamese insurgents (Viet Cong) used guerilla tactics in South Vietnam to disrupt U.S/NATO operations.

What were North and South Vietnam a part of prior to 1948?

French Indochina

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the french have established cambodia in 802 ad

Why Vietnam won the war but lost the peace?

Vietnam won the French war. North Vietnam won the American Vietnam War. There was no such country named "Vietnam" during the American Vietnam War 1955-1975. There were two nations: North VN & South VN.

What Battle did France get out of Vietnam?

after the battle at dien bien phu 1953 the french decided to leave, but not completely tho, they split the country into north and south, and they even started a crime gang

What year did south Vietnam began to fight north Vietnam?

Combat, mostly guerrilla warfare, commenced in 1954 and 1955. The rival factions of North Vietnam and South Vietnam were officially partitioned by the UN in 1956, although this was intended to be a temporary agreement in the aftermath of the French withdrawal from their former colony (French Indochina).

How did the USA become friends with Vietnam?

in the 1950s, the french government was the leading commanding military force in south Vietnam. they were defeated and over run by the north vietnamese troops around 1958 because north Vietnam wanted the french influence thrown out of south Vietnam. the french were massacred. following this, the united states sent u.s advisors, such as the green berets and marine force reconasence, under the orders of president eisenhower. president eisenhower did this because russia and china were pouring in war supplies to north Vietnam. north Vietnam wanted to overcome south Vietnam and gain communist control. north Vietnam, along with russia and china, were communiist, and still are. my boyfriend served 3 tours in Vietnam and was a company force reconasence commander.

What fell to vietnamese forces in 1959 when the French began to leave Vietnam?

Dien Bien Phu