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The Codex was invented in the "Ancient Times"

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Q: When was the codex invented?
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What is the plural of codex?

The noun codex has the plural codices.(Plural is formed in the same way as index, which has plurals indices and indexes.)

What was one major difference between the powers of emperors in the east and west?

The Codex which is the fountain for modern law.

What was the code of laws' role in ancient Rome?

A legal code is a book of law. In law codification refers to collecting or restating of laws, usually by subject, in a legal code which is a legal book. The term comes from codex, which is the Latin for bound book. With regard to the Romans, in strict technical terms, it refers to transcribing and collecting of laws which had been previously written on separate papyrus scrolls into codeces (plural of codex) after they invented the codex. The Romans invented the codex towards the end of the first century AD and by the second and third century A.D. it replaced the papyrus scrolls. However, the term is usually used in more generic terms and it also refers to any comprehensive sets of laws, including archaic ones which were inscribed on terracotta tablets (as with the code of Ur-Nammu, the king of the Sumerian city of Ur), stone steles (as with the code of Hammurabi, a Babylonian king) or on Bronze tablets (as with the Law of the Twelve Tables of the Romans).

What was an ancient Mayan codex?

A codex is an old manuscript, in the form of a book, which replaced the scroll between the years 0-300 AD. They were written in Maya hieroglyphic script on Mesoamerican bark cloth.

Who organized laws into codes that influenced the Founding Fathers?

justinins codex

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What was the codex invented by emperor Justinan?

They were laws that Justinian wrote to govern.

Who invented the first mechanical calculating device called codex?

William Seward

What is the order of dragon codex books?

The order of the "Dragon Codex" books by R.D. Henham is as follows: "Brass Dragon Codex" "Bronze Dragon Codex" "Red Dragon Codex" "Black Dragon Codex" "Green Dragon Codex" "Silver Dragon Codex" "Gold Dragon Codex"

When was The Codex created?

The Codex was created in 2005.

Which codex will be released after 5th Edition Tyranids?

The next 40k codex in line is the Blood Angels codex.

Do gray knights have a codex?

They are part of the Daemonhunters Codex.

When was Leningrad Codex created?

Leningrad Codex was created in 1008.

When was Codex Pictures created?

Codex Pictures was created in 2008.

When was Laurentian Codex created?

Laurentian Codex was created in 1377.

When was Codex Urbinas created?

Codex Urbinas was created in 1542.

When was The Rivan Codex created?

The Rivan Codex was created in 1999.

When was Codex Holmiensis created?

Codex Holmiensis was created in 1241.