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Q: Which of the following is one of the three major tribes that composed most of the total Native American population of Mississippi by the late seventeenth century?
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What are the three largest Native American tribes that existed in Mississippi?

In terms of population size, the three largest original tribes in the area that later became Mississippi were the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Tunica.

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Mississippi is an American state as well as an American river. It is located in the North American continent.

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There are 0 native american in north carolinayour welkum love B.E.JAKES

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The estimated population of Mississippi was 2,988,726 as of July 1, 2016 per U.S. Census Bureau. Mississippi has total area of 48,431 square miles which includes 46,923 square miles of land. Mississippi is the 32nd largest U.S. state based on population and the 31st largest U.S. state based on land area.

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