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Q: Who is the aurthor of common sense and the crisis?
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What is another pamphlets wrote by Paine's?

common sence

Author of common sense and the crisis?

That author is Thomas Paine.

Which documents did Thomas Paine wrote?

Common Sense, The Crisis, The Rights of Man, Age of Reason.

What were the two pamphlets Thomas Paine wrote?

Common Sense and The American Crisis

Which two pamphlets did Thomas Paine write?

Common Sense and The American Crisis

Who wrote Common Sense and The American Crisis What was the purpose of these document?

Thomas Paine

Author of Common Sense and The Crisis encouraging the colonists to rebel against Britain?

Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense as well as The Crisis, and encouraged the colonists to rebel against Britain. He was considered a significant inspiration to the Patriots.

Name three pieces of literature that Thomas Paine wrote?

One is Common Sense. He wrote that. He wrote Common Sense, The Rights of Man, and The Crisis.

What were Thomas Paines 3 most popular books he wrote?

His 5 main pamphlets were: Common Sense Thoughts on Government The American Crisis Rights of Man Age of Reason

Author of common sense and the crisis encouraging the colonists to rebel against british?

Thomas Paine

Why did thomas Paine write common sense and the crisis written?

who included life, liberty, and property in doi

Who wrote pamphlets like Common Sense and The Crisis to encourage American Independence and resolve?

Common Sense is a pamphlet by Thomas Paine.thas good answersThomas Paine wrote Common Sense.Thomas Paineno one. it wasnever written.