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The Big 4 were the VICTORS of WWI: France, United Kingdom, U.S.A, and Italy.

Woodrow Wilson (US)

Georges Clemenceau (France)

David Lloyd George (UK)

Vittorio Emanuele Orlando (Italy)

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14y ago
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17y ago

French general Ferdinand Foch was commander in chief of all Allied forces on the western front. The Allies also created a supreme war council that consisted of the prime ministers of Britain (David Lloyd George), of France (Georges Clemenceau), and of Italy (Vittorio Orlando).

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14y ago

Actually, there were 2 big two opposing alliances in WWI- Triple Entente and Triple Alliance

Main force of Triple Entente were British force, French force and Russian force

Main force of Triple Alliance were German force, Austro-Hungarian force and Ottoman force (Turkish)

The Big Four were the most important and most powerful countries at the Paris Conference in 1919 (this culminated in the Treaty of Versailles). They included Italy, led by Vittorio Orlando, France, led by Georges Clemenceau, Britain, led by David Lloyd George, and the United States, led by President Woodrow Wilson.

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13y ago

The BIG Four were:

United States


Great Britain

and Italy

The Big Four decided on making the Treaty of Versailles (ver Si) took away territory on Germany's borders. It also forced Germany to be responsible for the war and to pay the countries reparations. Germany's military size also decreased after the Treaty Of Versailles.

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15y ago

Britan, France . Italy and Russia The Big Four were the countries that were there to discuss the Treaty of Versiles the countries were the United States, United Kingdom, France and Italy. The countries were represented by Woodrow Wilson(United States), David Lloyd George (United Kingdom), Georges Clemenceau (France), and Vittorio Orlando (Italy).

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12y ago

'Who', not 'what'. The leaders of the US, Italy, France and Britain were the Big Four at the Versailles meeting. There were Woodrow Wilson, David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and Vittoria Orlando. Together they created a peace treaty which they forced Germany to sign. It meant that Germany became desolate and lost all business. In effect, there was lodes of anger and this incredible tension lead to another war (World War 2) I could go on forever, but this pretty much sums it all up.

Hope this helps :)

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10y ago

The big three was a WWII group, not a WWI group. However the big three in WWII were Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

No offense to the person above but the Big Three was the in the first World War as well as the second. The big three in the first World War were Woodrow Wilson (USA), David Lloyd George (UK), and Clemenceau (France).

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12y ago

Woodrow WIlson

David Lloyd George

Vittorio Emanuele Orlando (Italy)

Georges CLemenceau (1918 on)

Czar Nicholas II

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Q: Who were the Big Four in World War 1?
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