A máscara usada pelo personagem V, no filme V de Vingança, foi inspirada no rosto de Guy Fawkes, um revolucionário inglês do século XVII. Guy Fawkes é conhecido por sua tentativa de explodir o Parlamento Britânico na Conspiração da Pólvora de 1605, um plano para assassinar o rei James I e restaurar um monarca católico ao trono.
V for Vendetta Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof. - V
on his face
The mask worn in the movie V for Vendetta is a face that looks like Guy Fawkes, right down the "imperial". I doubt that Guy Fawkes ever wore a mast that looks like himself. I believe that the mask is more symbolic, in that V is styling himself after Guy (Guido) Fawkes who was trying to bring down the English government by blowing up parliament. He failed and was executed. In the V movie, he is trying to do a similar thing (albeit for different reasons) ... and even though V dies just like Fawkes, V actually succeeds in blowing up parliament.
mask type covers over their face
because they couldn't stand his ugly face
V for Vendetta Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof. - V
v for vendetta
William Shatner from star trek
The Riddell Company make Chris Canty's face mask
The mask didn't make his face gray, it was the nearly burning to death that did that. All of that tissue on his face was most likely dead.
V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof. - V
smear chocolate all over your face
The mask that you saw in the movie "Vendetta" is actually called a "Guy Fawkes Mask" and has been a feature of most theatrical wardrobe departments for years. They are widely sold in the UK and since the popularity of the movie also in the United States and Canada. Google "Guy Fawkes Mask" and you will get a number of places to purchase the mask from, or you can try any large costume shop in your area. Remember to ask for a "Guy Fawkes Mask".
No, baking soda is not a substitute for a disposable face mask. It does not provide protection against viruses or other contaminants like a proper face mask does. It is not recommended to make a mixture of baking soda for use as a face mask and store it in the fridge for reuse as it may cause skin irritation.
the boy is wearing a mask to cover his face
The scientific term for a facial mask is "facial cosmetic mask." It is a product that is applied to the face for various purposes like skincare, cleansing, moisturizing, or exfoliating.