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All these four countries were under the control of Soviet Union. They were in Eastern Block.Members of Warsaw Military pact

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

All these four countries were under the control of Soviet Union.

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Q: Why are the countries Poland Czechoslovakia Romania and Bulgaria under the control of the soviet union at the end of world war 2?
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What conuntires remained under soviet control after the end of World War 2?

The European countries under soviet control were Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland and eastern Germany.

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The satellite nations were Eastern European countries that came under the influence or control of the Soviet Union after World War II. These countries included Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania.

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Stalin demanded power in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia.

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The area under Soviet control during the Cold War was commonly referred to as the "Eastern Bloc." This included countries such as Poland, East Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Albania.

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Almost all of Europe were under the control of the Axis powers. The only nations in Europe who were outside of Axis control were Switzerland, Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, and USSR. The countries who were under Axis control were: France, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania. I hope i didn't miss any countries.

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Czechoslovakia is the country that tried to break free of Soviet control in 1968. Czechoslovakia was unsuccessful in its attempt.

Which part of the world did Hitler influence?

he controled many parts. he had control over... Poland, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Norway, Yugoslavia, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Crimea, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Greece. but keep in mind that he had control over some more than others.

Which countries remained under Soviet Union control after the end of World War 2?

The USSR and the United States as chief victors over the Germans, Italians and Japanese soon found themselves in possession over entire landmasses across Eurasia, Africa and the Pacific. The Soviet Union, having borne the brunt of defeating Hitler found itself in control of most of Central and Eastern Europe. The West of which was controlled by the American led Allies. In Europe the Soviets occupied and controlled the East Germany, Austria, Poland and the Baltics, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Karelia of Eastern Finland. In Asia it included Manchuria, North Korea and the Japanese Kuril Islands.

What country or area did the Nazis NOT acquire during appeasement?

Most of the countries that the Nazis acquired were acquired through military might that was not appeased by the future Allied Powers. The only case of active appeasement was when Nazi Germany was allowed to take control of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. There was also passive appeasement when Nazi Germany retook the Rhineland and Saarland buffer regions as well as the Anschluss with Austria. Some of the countries that the Nazis did not acquire through appeasement include: Poland, the remainder of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Norway, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Monaco, etc.

What country area did the Nazi not acquire during appeasement?

Most of the countries that the Nazis acquired were acquired through military might that was not appeased by the future Allied Powers. The only case of active appeasement was when Nazi Germany was allowed to take control of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. There was also passive appeasement when Nazi Germany retook the Rhineland and Saarland buffer regions as well as the Anschluss with Austria. Some of the countries that the Nazis did not acquire through appeasement include: Poland, the remainder of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Norway, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Monaco, etc.

Which nations did the Soviet Union control?

Basically all of Eastern Europe. Influence might be a better word than control, but try telling that to the Hungarians in 1956 or the Czechs in 1968. Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Rumania & Bulgaria were all Warsaw pact countries, Yugoslavia was not.

In what two European countries did the Soviets put down revolts against soviet control?

Czechoslovakia and Hungary