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I fear that the asker of this particular question has received their information from an unreliable source. Since Robert E. Lee commanded the battle as second Manassas/Bull Run the asker can only be refering to 1st Manassas/Bull Run so I shall answer that.

While Lee would later make his name as one of the finest American General to ever live before 1st Manassas/Bull Run he was unavailable to Command a Confederate Army in the field because he was not recognized as a Confederate General.

In early 1861 Lee was Commander of the Virginia Militia and acted as a liasion officer to the Confederacy during the period of time that 1st Manassas/Bull Run occured. During that period the Virginian forces had yet to be turned over to the Confederacy.

Even if he had been available he would not have been offered the job as Beauregard had earned the position at that time by being the first and only successful General the South had while Joe Johnston got command in the Shenandoah Valley on the merit of being the Confederacy only other General.

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Robert E. Lee refused to command the Confederate troops at the first battle of Bull Run (also known as the Battle of Manassas) because he believed that he would not be able to effectively lead the army due to his lack of knowledge of the current situation and terrain. Instead, he served as an advisor to Confederate President Jefferson Davis.

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