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Stephen F. Austin was arrested in 1833 by Mexican authorities for allegedly encouraging insurrection and attempting to incite rebellion against the Mexican government. Austin had been advocating for greater autonomy for Texas and was seen as a threat to the central Mexican government's control over the region. His arrest was part of a larger crackdown on dissent in Texas as tensions between the Mexican government and Anglo-American settlers escalated.

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βˆ™ 3mo ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

The mexican government incarcerated Stephen Austin because they believed him of starting up a resistance, and disagreeing publicly with the Government. They threw him in jail on the Charges of Treason.



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βˆ™ 12y ago

it was because he wrote a letter to San Antonio to Make TX a seperate statehood before he talked to santa anna. so it was viewed as treason

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Because sent a letter asking the settlers in Texas to get everything ready because they were going to be free.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

For his open political views to the Mexicans and theTexicans in Texas. Afraid that he would have to much power forming this into to his Texan army.

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Q: Why did Stephen F. Austin get arrested in 1833?
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The arrest of Stephen F Austin?

Stephen f Austin was arrested for treason, he wrote a letter complaining about the Mexican government about something that was going on in Texas to his brother-in-law.

Why was Stephen f. Austin arrested?

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Why did stephen f austin got arrested?

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Moses Austin and Stephen F. Austin were not brothers. Stephen F. Austin was Mose's Austin son.

What day and month and year did Santa Anna arrest Stephen F Austin?

Santa Anna never "arrested" Stephen Austin. Santa Anna was defeated by Texan forces at the battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836, and Santa Anna was captured the following morning. Austin was in New Orleans, Louisiana when that took place.

What does the inital f stand for in Stephen f. Austin?

Stephen Fuller Austin