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Linux is not very popular on personal computers, but it is on servers because it is free.

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Q: Why has Linux become so popular?
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How can one download and install Linux?

Linux is a computer operating system which has recently become more more popular. One can download various Linux distributions directly from their website.

Why is Linux so popular in academia?

thats what im trying to find out

When netbooks began to become popular what two operating systems did they commonly use?

Linux or Windows XP

How did the Profit motive influence the design of Linux?

It didn't. When created, it was never expected to become a popular and fairly mainstream system. Linux wasn't used commercially until the design had already matured considerably.

How could you make a career with Linux?

The jobs ones could have that involve Linux are as diverse as the uses of Linux itself. If you are a computer programmer, you could write drivers for new devices (Linux is very popular in the embedded filed), port commercial games to Linux (like id Software does), or program a database that runs on Linux. If you are more interested in maintenance, you could become the administrator of a web server.

What is the most popular version of Linux?

Linxu is just the kernel, but I know what you mean, the most popular GNU/Linux distribution is Ubuntu

Why do fads activity become so popular?

Because they are so popular

Can you run PHP on Linux?

Yes. Many popular websites run PHP on Linux.

Why did Carthage become so popular?

Popular with whom.

Which single Linux is based on Debian?

There are no single Linux distribution that is based on Debian. In fact, there are many distributions based on Debian. This includes the ever-so-popular Ubuntu family, Devuan, AntiX, Crunchbang, and so on.

What are some popular Linux distros?

There are many Linux distros. The most popular include; Debian which is 19 years old, Fedora, Ubuntu, Mageia and Mint Linux which uses the Cinnamon desktop interface.

Why are Linux partitions ext3?

Not all Linux partitions are ext3. It just happens to be the most popular file system. ext3 was created especially for Linux, so it is free from any patent issues involved with some other file systems.