In terms of religious significance, the key Muslim holy site in Israel/Palestine is the Dome of the Rock Shrine and the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem. The holiness of this place is due to being the spot where Mohammed ascended to the sky and talked to God and the previous Prophets.
However, there are also minor Muslim holy sites scattered throughout the area such as the Cave of the Patriarchs (where Abraham is buried), the Tomb of Jethro (which is more a Druze holy site now than a Muslim holy site, but still important), and several other minor places. However, Israel as a contiguous plot of land has no Muslim religious significance that parallels the Jewish idea that Israel as a contiguous plot of land was their assignment. In fact, the Qur'an actually argues in 5:20-5:21 that the Jewish claim to Israel is the correct one.
However, for Palestinians, most of whom are Muslims, there is a strong attachment to the land due a personal and ancestral connection to the land. In many cases, their ancestors had lived in that territory for centuries as Levantine or Shamite Arabs under Turkish Occupation. Israel is important to them because it was where they, their parents, or their grandparents used to live and now no longer do. In solidarity with the Palestinians, Muslims around the world argue on behalf of the Palestinians and concern themselves with finding a solution acceptable to Palestinian sensibilities. This protesting and advocacy is condoned by the governments of almost all Muslim-majority countries since it prevents those people from focusing that same spirit of advocacy towards the myriad of domestic problems that those governments have no intent of solving.
Israel has a number of different types of Arabs, including: Arab Urban Muslims, Arab Christians, Bedouin Muslims, Druze Arabs, and Baha'i.
approximately half a million, majority of muslims.
According to the book - Beyond the Basilica: Christians and Muslims in Nazareth, by Chad F. Emmett, University of Chicago, Nazareth is known as the Arab Capital of Israel
As far as I am aware, there is no Shiite Islamic community in Israel. The Muslims in Israel are primarily Sunnis.
Israel is a country. Ramadan is a period of fasting for Muslims. Muslims in Israel would probably observe Ramadan depending on their level of devoutness.
It depends on what the Muslims in question did. Muslims who follow the laws of the State of Israel do not have adverse Israeli reaction. Many Muslims are actually part of the Israeli government and hold important jobs in the overall economy. Muslims who have tried to attack Israelis or have been successful in doing so are jailed. Whether they are tried in civilian or military courts depends on whether they are Israeli citizens or Palestinian residents respectively.
Israel; in Hebrew, Eretz Israel.
Christianity and Islam both find Israel important to them. Most Christians are willing to abide Jewish control of the region; most Muslims are less willing.
No Israel is a Jewish country. ______________________________ Israel is a Jewish majority country. There are also Muslims and Christians in Israel.
Israel has a number of different types of Arabs, including: Arab Urban Muslims, Arab Christians, Bedouin Muslims, Druze Arabs, and Baha'i.
Muslims have attacked Israel a lot and Israel was trying to fight terrorism.
Muslims make up about 17% of the population of Israel. Most Israeli Muslims are Sunni. It should also be noted that while conflicts among extremists (on both sides) are what gets into the news, there are several Israeli cities (notably Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Acre) where Muslims and Jews are friends, work together, study at the same schools, and get along very well. It should also be noted that Muslims in Israel can vote, run for office, and attend any university. There are roughly 1.34 million Muslim citizens of Israel. This number is increasing and the number of Muslims in Israel has consistently increased since 1949.
Israel. Same as Jews and Muslims.
Jews, Muslims, Christians and Druzes.