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people should read te diary of anne frank because it's a very good story:)

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Q: Why should people read Anne Frank's diary?
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Did Anne Franks mom survive the war?

No, unfortunatly not but Anne franks dad, Otto, did he published annes diary.

Who were the Franks in general from the Diary of Anne Frank?

Her Family

Who is the author to Anne franks diary?

Stephanie Meyers.

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What country was Anne franks diary found?


Anne Franks accomplishments besides her diary?

I think anne franks major accomplishments besides her diary were probabaly, hiding in the secret annexe so a long time!

How was Anne Franks diary found?

Anne Frank's diary was found after the end of World War II by Miep Gies, one of the people who had helped hide the Frank family in their attic during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. Miep Gies collected Anne's diary pages and kept them safe, hoping to one day return it to her.

What is Mrs Franks first name in The diary of Anne Frank?

Her name was Edith in the diary of anne frank.

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Where can you get free download of Anne Franks diary?

I need it too :(

How long did Anne franks diary last?

2 years