Because this is what kind of helped the Civil Rights Movement for example the sncc had proff about the Jim crow laws and how they were rasict laws and it also showed what the whites did to the colored people and how mean and cruel they were and the sncc tried to disscus it with there peers and how to stop it[jimcrowlaws] and the sncc was one of the primary insitutions of the American civil rights movement in the 1960s.
Julian Bond was a co-founder of the organization of the S.N.C.C
(SNCC) i think
SNCC or The Student Nonviolent coordinating Committee was originally formed to give students a voice in the Civil Rights Movement. It went on to become one of the more radical activist groups with one of its directors, Stokely Carmichael, popularizing the term â??Black powerâ?? and going on to serve as Prime Minister of the Black Panther Party.
sncc ap3x
Ella Baker was the co-founder of the SNCC.
Julian Bond was a co-founder of the organization of the S.N.C.C
(SNCC) i think
To give publicity to the struggle for civil rights.
Is a U.S. Civil Rights Organization that played a pivotal role for African Americans in the Civil Rights Movement. Founded in 1942, it was one of the "Big Four" civil rights organizations, along with the SCLC, the SNCC, and the NAACP. Though still existent, it has been much less influential since the end of the 1955-68 civil rights movement.
SNCC or The Student Nonviolent coordinating Committee was originally formed to give students a voice in the Civil Rights Movement. It went on to become one of the more radical activist groups with one of its directors, Stokely Carmichael, popularizing the term â??Black powerâ?? and going on to serve as Prime Minister of the Black Panther Party.
The mission statement of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) focused on achieving civil rights through nonviolent means. By supporting the March on Washington in 1963, SNCC aligned with the goals of peaceful protest and social change advocated by the Civil Rights Movement, demonstrating solidarity for advancing racial equality in America.
To pressure the government to support civil rights
As a result of the success of the lunch counter boycotts in the early days of the Civil Rights Movement by students, SNCC understood the need to encourage these young activists to stay involved in the movement. Therefore, it entrusted all decisions about priorities and tactics to young activists.
sncc ap3x
Ella Baker was the co-founder of the SNCC.
The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, or SNCC, founded in 1957.