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No, the Romans destroyed the second temple in 70 AD.

No, the Romans destroyed the second temple in 70 AD.

No, the Romans destroyed the second temple in 70 AD.

No, the Romans destroyed the second temple in 70 AD.

No, the Romans destroyed the second temple in 70 AD.

No, the Romans destroyed the second temple in 70 AD.

No, the Romans destroyed the second temple in 70 AD.

No, the Romans destroyed the second temple in 70 AD.

No, the Romans destroyed the second temple in 70 AD.

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No, the Romans destroyed the second temple in 70 AD.

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How were the Roman Army organized?

Organisation of the ArmyThe army was organised in a very simple way:5000 Legionaries (Roman Citizens who were in the army) would form a Legion.The Legion would be split into centuries (80 men) controlled by a Centurion.The centuries would then be divided into smaller groups with different jobs to perform.

What did the Romans attack with?

they used to fight with and spears knifes board swords. they would send arrows maybe burning or with a metal headl. and send them in the sky they would have 100s of soldiers doing that and then the foot soldiers would charge and attack there enemies

What happened after the Roman Empire fell in the Eastern half of the Roman Empire?

The Roman Empire "fell" and became the Holy Roman Empire. Much of the strength of he Holy Roman Empire owes its beginings to Emperor Constantine who in 321 AD declared that he had seen a Cross over the noon sun. and heard a voice say, "Conquer with this." His immediate "conversion" resulted in him declaring all must woship Christ on Sunday, who had formerly worshiped the sun on Sunday. Christians and Jews who still observed the seventh day sabbath had been formerly put to death for worshipping on the Biblical sabbath of the 4th commandment, but now they began to see no distinction between worshiping on Sunday or the Sabbath. This resulted in much confusion and to this day the Roman church claims it is responsible for changing the day of worship to Sunday, even though it is not in the Bible. All the gods of the Roman pantheon were given the names of, Venus is Mary, etc. And althought idol woship is forbidden in the 10 commandments the Roman churchs still has many images to this day which supplients believe have powers that are divine.

Did the Roman Republic owe its success more to its form of government or to its army?

Both were Rome's strong points. Although they suffered plenty of defeats, they averaged out as winners, and were so able to continue expanding the territory they controlled and the revenue they harvested. It was government in which they particularly excelled. Their system was to either use the existing local government or install a better type, but leave the locals to rule with military support from a Roman provincial governor; alternatively via a client king beholden to Rome, also with support from the Roman military nearby. Whatever the system, it meant that the country was ruled by its natural system of rule, and the local rulership took the responsibility and odium for controlling the populace and for taxes.