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The Roman Empire "fell" and became the Holy Roman Empire. Much of the strength of he Holy Roman Empire owes its beginings to Emperor Constantine who in 321 AD declared that he had seen a Cross over the noon sun. and heard a voice say, "Conquer with this." His immediate "conversion" resulted in him declaring all must woship Christ on Sunday, who had formerly worshiped the sun on Sunday. Christians and Jews who still observed the seventh day sabbath had been formerly put to death for worshipping on the Biblical sabbath of the 4th commandment, but now they began to see no distinction between worshiping on Sunday or the Sabbath. This resulted in much confusion and to this day the Roman church claims it is responsible for changing the day of worship to Sunday, even though it is not in The Bible. All the gods of the Roman pantheon were given the names of, Venus is Mary, etc. And althought idol woship is forbidden in the 10 commandments the Roman churchs still has many images to this day which supplients believe have powers that are divine.

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13y ago
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12y ago

conditions were bad because Romans were deppresed and mad and upset and alot of Romans were out of work after the fall of rome and they were tight on money because the Romans had to rebuild homes and store and get new crops so it took them a while to get back on there feet. so i would haft to say rome was in a bad condition after the fall of rome.

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14y ago

The fall of the roman empire took time. Historians belive that 410 A.D. was the date when something major that made everyone think the roman empire fell happened. After the fall, rulers were not able to keep libarries, public bath areas, and major educational instsitutes.
Also, since roads were in very poor condition, goos were not exchanged or traded. The roman empire was doing "not so swell" at those times.
To learn more about "the fall" please refer to the links below.
Hope I helped you a little.

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12y ago

Most of the Romans stayed put. The very wealthy more than likely made their escape to the east, or else cooperated with the conquerors. The working class and the poor just continued on trying to make a living and feed their families. It was harder for them, as there was no longer any government subsidy to help them and no longer any government services such as baths and clean water fountains to keep disease at bay.

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14y ago

The question itself is a bit unclear, but here are several possible answers:

1. - After the fall of Rome itself in the late 5th Century, the "development" of Europe came to a relative halt (if not utter regression), lasting for some generations. Traditionalist history asserts (perhaps erroneously) that this "dark age" lasted until the Renaissance and the rebirth of classical (Greek and Roman) culture.

2. - The Byzantine Empire took up the Roman mantle, continuing the influence of the Empire for nearly a millennium.

3. - Western Europe was carved up into a vast number of small, locally-controlled Christian states, led by primarily Germanic tribes, which would ultimately give rise to the Feudal System that would dominate the Medieval period.

4. - The influence of Islam during the 7th century moved rapidly to fill the vacuum left by the by-then-complete dissolution of Roman structure, with much of the Mediterranean world including Greece, the Balkans, southern Italy, the northern African states, most of Spain, southern France, and more coming under Muslim rule, an expansion which would not formally end in the west until the rise of the Carolingian Empire (or rather its two catholic children, the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of France). This assumes a total look at Roman influence and includes the slow decline of the Byzantine Empire in its ability to hold back Turkish enterprise (by which it was eventually consumed in the early 15th century).

Actually the Turks didnt take the balkens until the late 1450's after they were finanlly able to defeat the Eastern Roman Empire. Yes i said it they wers not call the Byzantine Empire until many years after the fall of Constantinople even then is wasnt in a good way as the term had took on a new meaning deceitfull little Greeks.

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10y ago

When the western part of the Roman Empire fell, the Germanic peoples who had invaded it formed their own kingdoms in areas of this empire. The Vandals established a kingdom in north-western Africa, the Visigoths in Spain and south-western France and the Burgundians established one in Burgundy and Savoy in eastern France, while the Alemanni of southern Germany took over Alsace (in north-eastern France) and the Swiss plateau.

The group which increased gradually its power the most was the Franks. They had been allowed to settle in Holland south if the river Rhine by the Romans. They took over a Roman rump state in central Gaul (the Domain of Soissons) in 486, the territories of the Alemanni in 496- 506, the territory of the Visigoths in Gaul in 507 and the territory of the Burgundians in 533. Thus they formed the largest kingdom in Europe which covered the original Frankish lands in Central Germany, Southern Germany, Switzerland and most of Gaul. Later they expanded further, taking over the last territories in Gaul by 778 and Bavaria and Austria in 778.

Later still Charlemagne established the Carolingian empire. Pope Leo III gave him Italy and crowned him emperor in exchange for ending Lombards rule in Italy The then invaded northern Germany and a part of northern Spain in the early 9th century. Thus, the Franks eventually came to rule most of continental western Europe.

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10y ago

There are so many things that happened after the fall of Rome. There was confusion, lawlessness and disorder due to lack of proper leadership structures.

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12y ago

The Western Empire fell and the Eastern Empire continued as the Byzantium Empire.

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11y ago

After the fall of the western Roman empire Europe entered the period of time known as the Dark Ages, when most of western civilization's advancement came to a standstill.

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Q: What happened after the Roman Empire fell in the Eastern half of the Roman Empire?
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When the Roman Empire broke apart in the fifth century over time the Eastern Roman Empire became known?

The Byzantine Roman Empire aka Eastern Roman Empire did become known but the Roman Empire did not seperate till much later because Julius Caesar came into power in the 6th century bc.The Eastern Roman Empire lasted till 1453 and the Western Roman Empire fell a century or two before that. When the Roman Empire seperated or divided was in the 3rd century ad 3 centuries after Jesus Christ died on the cross for us all.

When did the eastern part of the Rome Empire fall?

The Eastern Roman Empire was located in the Eastern Mediterranean, centered around the city of Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul). At it's peak, it controlled the Balkans, Turkey, the Holy Lands, and Egypt. However, by the end of the empire in 1453, it's territory had shrunk to the City of Constantinople and small surrounding areas.

What happened to the Roman Empire in the fifth century AD?

In the 5th century AD the western part of the Roman empire fell.In the 5th century AD the western part of the Roman empire fell.In the 5th century AD the western part of the Roman empire fell.In the 5th century AD the western part of the Roman empire fell.In the 5th century AD the western part of the Roman empire fell.In the 5th century AD the western part of the Roman empire fell.In the 5th century AD the western part of the Roman empire fell.In the 5th century AD the western part of the Roman empire fell.In the 5th century AD the western part of the Roman empire fell.

What best summarize the fall of the roman empire?

First of all it has to be clarified that it was the western part of the Roman Empire which fell. The eastern part of this empire continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years. The generalisation about the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire is that it fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic people. An invasion of Gaul by the Vandals, Sueves and Alans set in motion a process in which the Romans lost political cohesion and within 87 years, they lost of the lands of this part of the empire to Germanic peoples, including peoples who had been Roman allies.

What year did the Western Roman Empire fall?

Rome collapsed in 476 A.D. The conventional date for the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire is 476, the year when Romulus Augustus, the last emperor of the western part of this empire, was deposed. The eastern part of the Roman Empire fell in 1453 , when Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.

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When did the eastern part of Rome fall?

The eastern half of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern half of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern half of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern half of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern half of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern half of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern half of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern half of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern half of the Roman empire fell in 1453.

What was the date of fall of the eastren empire?

The eastern part of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern part of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern part of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern part of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern part of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern part of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern part of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern part of the Roman empire fell in 1453.The eastern part of the Roman empire fell in 1453.

What happened in the eastern roman empire when the western roman empire fell?

The Western Empire fell around 435 CE (AD). The Eastern Empire continued until 1453 CE (AD).

What is the official year that rome fell?

The western Roman empire officially fell in 476 AD. The eastern Roman empire officially fell in 1453 AD.The western Roman empire officially fell in 476 AD. The eastern Roman empire officially fell in 1453 AD.The western Roman empire officially fell in 476 AD. The eastern Roman empire officially fell in 1453 AD.The western Roman empire officially fell in 476 AD. The eastern Roman empire officially fell in 1453 AD.The western Roman empire officially fell in 476 AD. The eastern Roman empire officially fell in 1453 AD.The western Roman empire officially fell in 476 AD. The eastern Roman empire officially fell in 1453 AD.The western Roman empire officially fell in 476 AD. The eastern Roman empire officially fell in 1453 AD.The western Roman empire officially fell in 476 AD. The eastern Roman empire officially fell in 1453 AD.The western Roman empire officially fell in 476 AD. The eastern Roman empire officially fell in 1453 AD.

When did the western emperor fall from power?

The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.

What year did Roman Empire get divided into the East and West empire?

The Empire was divided by Diocletian in 285 CE. However, the empire was also reunified on many occasions such as during the reigns of Theodosius I, Constantine the Great, and Julian the Apostate. These reunification were all short-lived and died with the death of their respective emperors.

When The Eastern Roman Empire fell shortly after the Western Roman Empire?

The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 AD, while the Eastern Roman Empire fell in 1453 AD, almost a thousand years later. That's not what I call 'shortly'...

What Roman Empire fell first?

The Western Roman Empire - the Eastern Roman Empire lasted another millennium.

What was the date of fall of the eastern roman empire?

You do not specify which eastern empire you are referring to. If you mean the Byzantine Empire, which is a term used by historians to refer to the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of its western part, it fell in 1453, when the Ottoman Turks captured its capital, Constantinople.

What happened to the Eastern Roman Empire when the Western Roman Empire fell?

It restructured itself and continued on for another thousand years. Today we call it the Byzantine Empire as it was based on Byzantium, renamed Constantinople.

What enabled the eastern parts of the roman empire to survive after the western roman empire fell?


What enabled the the eastern part of the roman empire to survive after the western Roman Empire fell?
